
Structure of Rice Protection in Japan: Estimation of PSE, CSE and Dead Weight Loss for Japan's Rice

Yoshihisa Godo Meiji Gakuin University


    Despite strong demand for Japan to open its rice market, Japan tried to maintain autarky in rice till the last moment of the Uruguay Round negotiation. Even now, its rice market is effectively protected by an extremely high (de facto prohibitive) tariff rate. In this paper, we attempt to examine the political dynamics of Japanese rice policy and clarify the reason of Japan's stubborn attitude on its rice market. For that purpose, I estimate PSE (Producer Support Estimate), CSE (Consumer Support Estimate) and DWL (Dead Weight Loss), and conduct a simple simulation analysis regarding to major rice policies. In conclusion, I point out that the introduction of free trade to Japanese rice market would nullify the traditional rice protection policies and bring desirable impacts on Japanese economy.

稲作農家における絶対的危険回避度の推定 --- 平均−分散モデルによる実証分析 ---

中島隆博 (農林水産省中国農業試験場)

要 旨


 本報告において,われわれは,産出物価格不確実性下における完全競争企業の理論 (Sandmo 1971)の一実証モデルを提示し,平成79年度産における,わが国の代表的稲作農家の生産面における危険回避行動に計量的に接近する。われわれのモデルは,平均−分散モデル,Cobb = Douglas 型生産技術,そして,最適化のための均衡条件にもとづいており,これらの前提から導出されるモデルは,平均−分散モデルのデュアルアプローチ(Pope 1980, Coyle 1992)と比較して,きわめてシンプルで実際的なものである。そのモデルにより,米価変動に対する危険中立性の検定,絶対的危険回避度の推定,米供給の期待米価弾力性と米価変動弾力性の計測,そして,モデルが前提とする絶対的危険回避一定(CARA)仮説についての統計的検討を行う。また,われわれのモデルおよび分析結果が,Freund型のリスクプログラミングに与える含意についても検討を行う。


(1) 米価変動に対する危険中立性仮説,すなわち,期待利潤最大化仮説は,0.52.0 ha, 2.0ha〜層,および全階層で棄却され,代表的稲作農家が米価変動に対して危険回避的であることが示された。

(2) 計測された米供給の米価変動弾力性は,0.52.0 ha, 2.0ha〜層,および全階層,すべての計測結果できわめて非弾力的であり,計測期間における米供給は米価変動よりも期待米価の水準に大きく反応していることが示された。

(3) 経営規模の増大とともに絶対的危険回避度の推定値は小さくなっていることと,0.52.0 ha, 2.0ha〜層において,それぞれ絶対的危険回避度の信頼区間の比較を行った結果から,絶対的危険回避一定(CARA)を大域的に仮定することは妥当でなく,わが国の代表的稲作農家の生産面における危険回避行動を大域的に説明するためには,絶対的危険回避度が利潤の減少関数となるDARA型が望ましいことが統計的に示された。

(4) われわれの方法によって推定された絶対的危険回避度の推定値やその信頼区間は,Freund型のリスクプログラミングにおいて,危険回避パラメータの水準を設定する際に参考にすることが出来ると思われる。実際に,丸山・フロインド(1967)において設定された危険回避パラメータの水準は, 本稿の方法によって推定された2.0ha〜層および全階層における絶対的危険回避度の信頼区間に含まれることが明らかとなった。



前田幸嗣 (九州大学)

要 旨


 本報告の課題は,不完全競争空間均衡モデルを出発点として,限界費用関数(供給関数)および需要関数を非線形関数で表した,不完全競争市場の非線形空間均衡モデルを展開することである。ところで,限界費用関数(供給関数)および需要関数を非線形化する場合,モデルを従来のように2次計画問題として定式化することはできない。そこで,本報告においては,モデルを非線形相補性問題(Nonlinear Complementarity Problem)として定式化し,不完全競争市場の空間均衡解を求める方法を提示する。

中小零細企業のパフォーマンス決定要因: インドネシア農村における金属工業の事例

中村和敏 (神戸大学)

要 旨






Causality Relationships between Agriculture and Other Economic Variables in Indonesia

Arif Haryana (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Jinjiro Chino (Utsunomiya University)


    Agriculture sector in Indonesia is, like in other developing countries, believed to have important role in supporting economic growth through its linkage with other economic activities. It supplies food, raw materials and factors of production for industry, provides market for non-agricultural products; On the other hand, agriculture sector needs contribution from other sector in order to sustain its growth. This study is, therefore, intended to analyze the properties of such the linkage; more specifically, to assess the existence and direction of causality influences between agriculture and other economic variables at aggregate levels covering the period of 1969--1999.

    There are three steps that were followed in the analysis. The first is to find out the integration properties of every individual variable. This was done by stationary analysis. The next step is to investigate whether agriculture production is co-integrated with other variables. Following the integration and co-integration analysis of the variables, the final step, the Granger causality test was then performed to analyze the existence and direction of causality influences between agriculture sector and other economic activities in Indonesia during the period.

    The analysis found that positive feedback causality influence existed in the agriculture relationship with industry, service, and both private and government consumption. Agriculture has positive unidirectional causality influence on investment; but there was no significant causality linkage with export, which means that the variation of agricultural output and export growth was not interdependent.

    Given these results, it is very strategic that agriculture sector be given more attention in the formulation of development policy. Otherwise, it would become a bottleneck, which restrain the whole economy to grow in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: stationary, co-integration, Granger causality effects, Indonesia, economic linkage.

Gender Differences in Land Inheritance and Schooling in the Philippines

Jonna P. Estudillo (Foundations for Advanced Studies on International Development)
Keijiro Ohtsuka (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


    There is a common perception that women in developing countries are discriminated in terms of access to land and investments in schooling. It is believed that such discrimination has resulted in decreased income and social status of women.

    This paper statistically examines the difference in lifetime incomes arising from parental preferences in the allocation of inherited land and investments in schooling between sons and daughters using household data of three generations in the rural Philippines. Among the third generation, sons are preferred with respect to land inheritance, receiving 0.15 ha of additional land, while daughters are treated more favorably in schooling investments, receiving 1.5 more years of schooling. However, differences in both current and life-cycle incomes between sons and daughters are found to be insignificant. This suggests that Filipino parents transfer their wealth to equalize incomes among their children while taking into account comparative advantage of sons in farm work and of daughters in nonfarm work.

Specialization and Diversification in Agricultural Transformation: The Case of Rural Punjab, c.1900--1995

Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)


    In this paper, the role of crop specialization and diversification in the process of agricultural transformation is empirically investigated for the case of Punjab. The analytical innovation of this paper is that changes in aggregate land productivity are structurally associated with inter-crop, inter-district, and inter-household reallocation of land use. The empirical part is based on newly-compiled production data of Punjab's agriculture for the period c.1900--1995---national data for India and Pakistan, district-level data for the Punjab region, and micro data of farm households. Quantitative results show that, first, a significant part of land productivity growth was attributed to inter-crop land reallocation in post-independence India and in areas currently in Pakistan (pre- and post-independence). Second, agricultural transformation in Pakistan's Punjab is characterized as a phase in which crop specialization according to comparative advantages plays a prominent role. In other words, diversification at the national level is yet to be observed in this area. Third, the pace of specialization was different from district to district during the colonial period, while the pace has been accelerated and become homogeneous since independence. The time contrast reflects the integration and spatial expansion of agricultural produce markets in the region over this period.


石川達哉 (ニッセイ基礎研究所)

要 旨




