
--- 収穫逓増下における技術・制度変化の問題 ---

鬼木俊次 (農業総合研究所)

要 旨






神門善久 (明治学院大学)

要 旨







--- 選択型コンジョイント分析による接近 ---

岩本博幸 (北海道大学大学院)
佐藤和夫 (有限会社アスタリア)
山本康貴 (北海道大学)

要 旨







@ HACCPおよびエコ・牛乳表示がない150円の普通牛乳を基準とすると,HACCP表示付加牛乳,エコ・牛乳表示付加牛乳はそれぞれ1020円程度増の評価額と推定された。
A 評価額の増加は,所得や子供の有無などの要因よりも,「HACCP表示への信頼度」,「HACCP表示への重視度」,「エコラベルの必要性」といった食品安全性,環境負荷情報などへの態度に関する要因の影響が大きい。

Estimation and Testing the Hypothesis of Structural Change in Japanese Meat Demand

Kiyoshi Taniguchi* (FAO)
Wen S. Chern (Ohio State University)


    Meat consumption is growing in importance in the Japanese diet. While a number of studies report that Japanese diets have become Westernized. It is not clear when this change occurred and how it affected the dietary patterns over time. The main interest of this study is to analyze the hypothesis of a structural change of meat demand in Japan using monthly data from 1964 to 1999. Specifically, we are interested in analyzing the nature of structural change using a demand system. Additionally, we investigate the short-run as well as the long-run elasticity of demand before and after the structural change.

    In this time-series data analysis, we employ the linearly approximated almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS). In order to search for the duration of structural change, we utilize time-varying dummy variables. We also analyzed the nature of the structural change by utilizing a bias index.

    The results show that Westernization of the Japanese diet is the result of a structural shift in the demand for beef, and not in other meat products. This study reveals that Westernization occurred in a fairly long period of time, and it is a shift of the preference toward beef. However, the low long-run price and expenditure elasticities indicate that the increase in beef demand will be slow over time.

Sequential Schooling Decisions of Households: An Analysis of Field Survey Data from Rural Pakistan

Yasuyuki Sawada* (University of Tokyo)
Michael Lokshin (World Bank)


    Field surveys were conducted in twenty-five Pakistani villages exclusively for this paper. By integrating field observations, economic theory, and econometric analysis, this paper investigates the sequential nature of educational decisions. The full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation of the sequential schooling decision model uncovers important dynamics of the gender gap in education, transitory income and wealth effects, and intrahousehold resource allocation patterns. We find, among things, that there is a high educational retention rate, conditional on school entry, and that schooling progression rates become comparable between male and female students at a high level of education. Moreover, a household's human and physical assets and income changes affect child education patterns significantly. These findings are consistent with the theoretical implications of optimal schooling behavior under binding credit constraints. Finally, we found serious supply-side constraints on female primary education in the villages, suggesting the importance of supply-side policy interventions in Pakistan's primary education.

Keywords: sequential schooling decisions; income shocks; birth-order effects; supply-side constraints.

* Corresponding author, email: sawada@stanfordalumni.org.

Foreign Aid for Poverty Reduction: An Archetype Computable General Equilibrium Approach

Kostas Stamoulis (FAO)
Kiyoshi Taniguchi* (FAO)
Paul Winters (University of New England)


    In a developing country, agriculture has an important role in economic growth, and controls the standard of living and poverty. Macroeconomic and trade policy has deep implications for poor households thorough the agricultural sector. For a long time, foreign aid aimed to reduce poverty; however, there is no clear connection between the existence of foreign aid, poverty reduction, and policy design.

    This study focuses on poverty reduction by foreign aid through different distribution channels. Utilizing an archetype computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, we analyze the connection between poverty reduction and economic growth policies through foreign aid. Specifically, the counter factual simulations compare the welfare differences as well as the impacts on the incomes of different household types of price supports through subsidies with those arising from productivity increases through capital inflows financed by foreign aid. In addition, most CGE models ignore regional differences. This archetype CGE model incorporates features specific to Africa, Asia, and Latin America to investigate the structural differences among the three regions.

--- 混合相補性問題による空間均衡分析 ---

前田幸嗣 (九州大学)

要 旨




1) WTO農業協定の2000年譲許水準が維持された場合。
2) WTO農業協定の2000年譲許水準の下,中国がWTOに加盟した場合。
3) アメリカおよびケアンズグループの提案が承認された場合。
4) EUの提案が承認された場合。
5) 多面的機能フレンズの提案が承認された場合。
6) 発展途上国の提案が承認された場合。
