
Rice Production and Processing in Northern Vietnam---A Preliminary Result of Field Survey in Yen My Town, Hung Yen Province---

Nguyen Thi Minh Hien* (Kyushu University)
Tsunemasa Kawaguchi** (Kyushu University)


    This research paper is an overview of current situation of a typical rice production and processing activities, as well as hardships and obstacles that many farmers are facing in the North of Vietnam. In this case study, we conducted a survey in Yen My district of Hung Yen province- one of the big rice production and processing zones. The study covers 70 households consisting of 30 rice-growing households of 3 groups, namely high, medium and low income group; 5 collecting households; and 35 milling and processing households classified also into 3 groups: large, medium and small scale.

    For rice growing households, there is no clear difference between them in term of land holding size. There are 2 rice crops growing per year with average yield of 5.1 tons per hectare and 4.8 tons per hectare for spring rice and summer rice, respectively. The high income group obtains higher yield compared to medium and low income group, therefore this group also attains higher net return than those of 2 other ones. The main varieties are hybrid seeds from China and sticky rice varieties. Marketing activities are basic and simple. Local agricultural cooperative plays active roles in supply farmers with seeds, and irrigation service. The main source of credit from agricultural and rural development bank, but it is very limited and the borrowing procedures are still very complicated. In general, income per rice-growing household is very low for all.

    Collecting households operate in quite big area that covers many provinces includes Nam Dinh, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh in the North, Hue in the Middle, and some provinces in the South. Each household buys an average total 770.5 tons of paddy and 906.5 tons of milled rice. Their main hardships and obstacles are lack of funds, and lags of information about the market. The average rice processing capacity of milling and processing household is 3366.67 tons, 1666.75 tons, and 1139 tons per year for large, medium, and small-scale plants respectively. Lacks of available credits, low rice price, restriction of capacity of power line, narrow surface area used for processing are also contributing to the difficulties in rice processing.

* Graduate student, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
** Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University


川口雅正 (九州大学)

要 旨

1. はじめに


    Following Takayama and Judge (1964a, 1964b), spatial equilibrium model has been used to find equilibrium situation effected as a necessary consequence of interactions among spatially (temporally or in transaction cost aspect) separated persons such as producers, traders and consumers under some fixed market system including international trade, and the model has been applied to various empirical policy analyses.

    In this paper, I try to make clear the direction of development of spatial equilibrium model in recent years, reviewing our own related papers, and also I try to make clear the direction in the future. I demonstrate that spatial equilibrium model is an empirical model and the equilibrium condition of the model is usually specified only empirically as Non-linear Complementarity Problem (NCP). I also demonstrate that we need to introduce more concrete marketing route and economic risk into spatial equilibrium model to get more wide area of model application. In the future, I suggest, researchers will specify the model empirically as NCP (or similar mathematical problem), taking more concrete marketing route and economic risk into consideration, and will solve the NCP directly to get useful information.


    In this paper, we revise the spatial equilibrium model of international trade of Shono and Kawaguchi (1999a, 1999b, 2000) by changing the traditional marketing route "producersconsumers" to more concrete marketing route "producers as price-takers---profit making traders---consumers", and compare the equilibrium solutions of the original models with that of revised models, solving five countries international trade example problems. Profit making traders in revised models are assumed to behave as price-takers or to behave according to Nash rule, corresponding to the behavior patterns of producers in original models.

    The conclusion of the comparison is as follows. By changing the marketing route, 1) supply quantity decrease, 2) price received by producers decrease, 3) market price increase, 4) and so the difference between market price and price received by producers increase, giving considerable profit to traders. This shows the importance of considering concrete marketing route in spatial equilibrium model. Practical application of the revised model of this paper is left open for the future.


2. リスク導入の基本方針


3. リスク導入の具体例


4. 備蓄制度分析への応用の基本方針


5. まとめ




Takayama, T. and G.G. Judge 1964a Equilibrium Among Spatially Separated Markets : A Reformulation. Econometrica,32(4) : 510-524
Takayama, T. and G.G. Judge 1964b Spatial Equilibrium and Quadratic Program-ming. Journal of Farm Economics, 46 : 67-93
庄野千鶴・川口雅正 1999a 関税を導入した国際貿易空間均衡モデルの展開−完全競争市場の場合−. 九大農学芸誌, 53(14) : 79-88
庄野千鶴・川口雅正 1999b 関税を導入した国際貿易空間均衡モデルの展開−寡占市場の場合−. 九大農学芸誌, 54(12) : 85-96
庄野千鶴・川口雅正 2000 関税を導入した国際貿易空間均衡モデルへの輸出割当と最低出価格の導入−完全競争市場及び寡占市場の場合−. 九大農学芸誌, 54(34) : 157-170
川口雅正 2003a 空間均衡モデルの近年の展開方向について. 九大農学芸誌, 57(2) : 261-272
川口雅正 2003b 営利的流通業者による国際貿易の関税を導入した空間均衡モデルの展開.九大農学芸誌, 57(2) : 273-282


林薫平 (東京大学)

要 旨






State-Contingent Rent Reduction and Tenancy Contract Choice

Yutaka Arimoto (University of Tokyo)


    The major tenancy contract adopted in Taisho era Japan was a fixed contract with state-contingent rent reduction (rent reduction for short) in which the rent was basically fixed, but reduced in case of poor harvest. Thus, the contract is regarded as a combination of a fixed contract for good states and a share contract for bad states.

    This study analyzes the implication of state-contingent rent reduction on the choice of tenancy contracts focusing on the trade-off between risk-sharing and incentives. The necessary and sufficient condition for the optimality of a fixed contract with rent reduction is investigated with a principal-agent model covering all fixed, share, wage, and a fixed contract with rent reduction. The model uses simplifying assumptions following Holmstrom and Milgrom (1987), which enables us to treat the risk aversion and the variability of production explicitly. It is shown that this contract is beneficial for the landlord than a fixed or a share contracts if the tenant is not too risk averse and/or the variability of yield is not too high.

    However, it is also shown that there may exist a set of contracts that dominates a fixed contract with rent reduction. Thus, the contract is not always globally optimal. Additional requirements to guarantee the global optimality of this contract are discussed on the line with the tenant's risk aversion and a constraint that assures the tenant a fixed subsistence income for any states of nature.


川崎賢太郎 (東京大学)

要 旨 


 インドではその人口圧力から,農地,薪伐採用の森林,放牧地など一次産業用の土地需要が高まっており,それらの解決のためにこれまでに多くの農地開墾や植林が行われてきた.これらの土地利用政策による影響は,土地が増減した産業だけにとどまらず,産業間の波及効果を通じて,さまざまな産業に影響を与えることが予想される.特にインドの一次産業は,薪や家畜,農作物などを通じて相互に依存し合っており,土地利用政策を行なう際には,影響を包括的に分析・評価することが不可欠であると考えられる.そこで本研究では,農地,林業地,放牧地という3種類の土地を含んだComputable General Equilibrium (CGE)モデルを構築し,農地開墾と植林という2つの土地利用政策がインド経済に与える影響を分析した.




 まず,財ごとの変化を見てみると,当然のことではあるが,農地開墾は農作物,植林は林業と畜産業の生産・消費を増加させることがわかった.ただしそれだけではなく,農地開墾は化学肥料の生産・消費を増加させ,植林は逆に,化学肥料の生産・消費を減少させることがわかった.このように土地の増加した部門を除くと,生産・消費に最も大きな影響を受けるのは化学肥料部門であり,二つの土地利用変化によって対照的な影響を受けることは一つの興味深い含意となるだろう. この結果は化学肥料とこやしの代替関係に起因している.各種の代替関係に注目すると,植林は,"化学肥料からこやしへ""化石燃料から薪へ""資本から役畜へ"という,伝統的,粗放的な生産構造へのシフトを促すが,農地開墾はそれとは逆方向の代替を起こし,近代的,集約的な産業構造へのシフトを促す作用を持つことがわかった.このような変化は労働市場にも波及し,農地開墾は一次産業からの労働流出,植林は流入を招くことがわかった. 最後に,環境への影響を見ていくと,農地開墾は,化石燃料・化学肥料の生産・消費量を逆に増やし,環境への負荷を大きくすると言えることがわかったが,植林は,1.伐採密度を減少させ,森林への負荷を軽減する.2.森林を増加させることによって,二酸化炭素の吸収源を増やす.3.同時に,化石燃料の生産・消費量を減らすことで,二酸化炭素の排出源をも減少させる.つまり植林は,吸収源・排出源の両面から二酸化炭素を減少させ,これは地球温暖化問題の観点から考えた場合には,好ましい変化と言える.4.更に植林は,土壌・水質汚染を引き起こしうる化学肥料の生産・消費量も減少させる.このように多くの点で植林は,環境への負荷を軽減すると言えよう.植林計画の背景には環境問題意識の高まりがあり,そこでは植林によって主に12などの,森林が増加したことによる直接的な効果を狙っていると思われるが,それだけでなく,34に見られるような間接的な効果も持ちうることは一つの興味深いインプリケーションとなるだろう.

An Interregional Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Trade Liberalization and Decentralization: The Case of Indonesia

Suminori Tokunaga (University of Tsukuba)


    In this paper, following the 1995 Interregional Social Accounting Matrix (IRSAM), we constructed an interregional Computable General Equilibrium (IRCGE) Model for three regions of Java, Sumatra and other region in Indonesia, and examined the impacts of the trade liberalization and decentralization on regional economy.

    From simulation of the tariff reduction by 50% in 1995, we found that the direct effects with the tariff cut are the reduction in tariff revenue and the reduction in the imported goods price. The tariff cut affects the real GRDP in each region directly through equation (E-44). However, since tariff cut lowers the imported goods price and the composite goods price, the value-added price is increasing due to cost reduction. Then, in industry activity, exports sectors such as textile sector in Jawa benefit, while import-competing sectors are more likely to suffer damage. Thus, the real GRDP of Java is increasing than in outer-Java. The regional government revenue of Java is slightly decreasing, but government expenditure of Java does not change, thus central government borrowing from abroad is increasing. Regarding the price index, the regional the price index is decreasing ranging from -1.16 % (other region) to -1.38% (Java). On the other hand, from simulations of decentralization policy, we found that decentralization has a positive impact on GRDP in Table 1a and Table 1b. That is, the real GRDP of outside-Java is increasing, and the regional government revenue of outside-Java is increasing by decentralization.
