
China's Policy Options for the Maintenance of Food Self-Sufficiency:
Migration, Technological Change and Regional Comparative Advantage

伊藤順一 (農林水産政策研究所)


    The objective of this article is to address the issue of policy options available for the government of China to attain food self-sufficiency. The two policy instruments are taken up for discussion: the existent restriction on rural labor migration and an increase in productivity. The production function analysis reveals that the more severely the government restricts out-migration, the more easily they are able to attain the policy goal without having agricultural productivity improved. This translates into the conjecture that such an institutional barrier on migration not only incurs social costs associated with inefficient resource allocation and urban-rural income imbalance but also gives policy makers an excuse to underinvestment in technological progress. Another thing that is elucidated in this analysis is that the provinces that have regional comparative advantage (RCA) in agriculture ill-perform in terms of biochemical technology than those with no RCA. This suggests that there remains a great deal of room for RCA to be exploited much further.


朱正根 (九州産業大学)
前田幸嗣 (九州大学)
川口雅正 (九州産業大学)

要 旨







Determinants of Collective Action under Devolution Initiatives:
The Case of Citizen Community Boards in Pakistan

黒崎卓 (一橋大学)


    In Pakistan, as in other developing countries, devolution initiatives are currently taken by the central government to decentralize development planning and execution. The rationale behind the initiatives is the idea that decentralization through community participation can contribute to achieving efficiency, accountability, and transparency of development policies through the utilization of local information, local resources, and nurturing the sense of ownership. At the core of the initiatives lies a scheme called Citizen Community Board (CCB), a kind of community-based organization (CBO). Under the scheme, local people are expected to propose to the local government a development project through forming a CCB and upon approval the local government funds 80% of the project cost. Since 2001 when the scheme was initiated, however, both the number of CCBs and the number of approved/initiated projects have been below the expected level. This raises a concern that the Pakistani society with limited historical experience in CBO-based cooperation in development efforts is too handicapped for the CCB scheme to be successful. This paper attempts to examine this concern. Namely, we address the questions: Can the CBO-based participatory development framework function in a society where the core network is not based on residential areas but based on familial, clan, and tribal relations? And if yes, what are the determinants for successful formulation of a CCB and for successful development activities conditional on the formulation? As a preliminary step to address these questions, determinants of CCB formulation and functioning are empirically investigated using a village-level cross-section dataset collected in a district in Pakistan Punjab in 2004-05. The regression results suggest that the inequality within a community and the type of leadership matter. Further, the effects of these variables are non-linear and different between the determinants for the CCB formulation and those for the CCB functioning. Based on the empirical results, the direction of theoretical modeling of collective action is suggested that can explain the estimated pattern and can be used for simulating different dynamic paths of rural development in Pakistan.


高篠仁奈 (神戸大学)

要 旨



Log-Polynomial Engel Curves

松田敏信 (鳥取大学)


    Log-polynomial Engel curves of degree higher than two have been employed in the literature, but have so far been considered inconsistent with utility maximization. This paper shows that log-polynomial Engel curves of arbitrary degree are derived from a new indirect utility function when, as is usual with high-rank demand systems, cross-sectional data without price variations are used. In practical terms, the results extend Gorman's (1981) theorem, which limits the rank of a utility-derived exactly aggregable demand system to at most three. Utility-derived log-polynomial Engel curves of arbitrary degree theoretically support whatever rank is found empirically adequate in Engel curve analysis.


田原健吾 (東京大学)

要 旨


 本稿の大きな特徴は,理論モデルから,転用規制の実効性の計量に用いる式を理論的に導出する点である。このことは,推定の際に置かれている仮定を明確にするという利点を持つ。具体的には,Capozza & Helsley (1990)のモデルに不確実な転用規制を新たに導入したものを提示し,そこから農地価格データのみによって転用規制の実効性を示すパラメータを推定できる式を導出する。


Limit of Reciprocal Credit as Mutual Insurance:
Coping Strategy for Covariate Shock in Bangladesh

庄司匡宏 (東京大学)


    This paper investigates risk coping strategy choice within the environment of idiosyncratic and covariate shock. Previous studies focus on the reciprocal credit among community members as a strategy for consumption smoothing, although such a strategy is not helpful to deal with the community level aggregate shock. This paper, therefore, aims to clarify the strategy under the aggregate shock using the evidence of large flood in Bangladesh 1998. The empirical analysis shows that the reciprocal credit is available only for idiosyncratic shocks, while villagers borrow from money lender, called Mohajon, or give up livestock assets in the face of aggregate shock. A contribution of this study is the focus on the risk coping strategy choice under various damages.
