
The Role of Industrial Cluster in Market Development: The Case of Rice Milling in Ghana

櫻井武司 (農林水産政策研究所)


    This paper investigates the roles of industrial cluster on the efficiency of rice milling and the improvement of milled rice quality. The data were obtained in Kumasi area, central Ghana because the enhancement of domestic rice production is a urgent policy issue in this country, but little attention has been paid to the roles of clusters in post-harvest processing and marketing. Among 63 rice millers interviewed in the Kumasi area, 24 millers form a few clusters in the city of Kumasi, while others are scattered over 25 satellite towns around Kumasi, which enables us to examine the effect of the cluster.
    Regression analyses reveal that rice millers in the Kumasi clusters tend to adopt more advanced technology, and that the innovation increases milling efficiency and improves milling quality. Moreover, it is found from the estimation of price determination functions that in the Kumasi clusters milled rice price is affected by milling quality namely the content of whole grain, while in the rural areas there is no clear relationship between milling quality and the price. This indicates that the clusters, probably because of the concentrated transactions, will foster informal quality grading system, which is critical for the market development. Therefore, the clusters in post-harvest industry will benefit not only the industry itself but also traders and producers, and in consequence will stimulate agricultural production.

Inter-regional and inter-temporal differences of agricultural productivity in China: Distinction between biochemical and machinery technology

伊藤順一 (農林水産政策研究所)


    The major objective of this paper is to measure the inter-regional and inter-temporal differences of agricultural production technology in China. The analysis lends strong support to the initially presented hypothesis that Biochemical (BC) technological changes account for a significant part of China's agricultural production growth. In addition, the regression analyses reveal that public sectors commit themselves more seriously to the development of BC rather than Machinery (M) technology. This finding suggests that attributing the whole set of TFP growth to investment runs the risk of underestimating the rate of the return and that public investment in favor of poor regions will be all the more strongly recommended. Another important thing is that public investment targeting poor regions would result in convergence of the BC technological level among regions, which does not contradict the further exploitation of regional comparative advantage in agriculture. Finally, the contribution of M technological progress to TFP increase is quite small, but a strong positive correlation between the rate of change in land-labor ratio and M technological progress provides evidence of the validity of the induced innovation hypothesis.


中村和敏 (長崎県立大学)

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武藤幸雄 (京都大学)

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松井隆宏 (東京大学)

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Alleviating Farm Fragmentation Only at the Cost of Tenure Insecurity, and Vice Versa: Toward a Synthesized Approach to Communal Land Problems

林薫平 (東京大学)

要 旨

 人口圧力が土地制度に与える影響については,Demsetz-BoserupD-B)理論が広く受け入れられている.これによれば,人口圧力が高いほど土地に対する私的権利が拡充されより効率的な土地利用が実現していく.この枠組みを割替に適用すれば,人口圧力が高いほど割替による"tenure insecurity"の弊害が顕著になるため,割替は少なくなる.

The Role of Decision Making Process in Heterogeneous Communities: The Management of Common Pool Resources in Rural Yunnan, China

藤栄剛 (滋賀大学)


    The role of heterogeneity in the management of common-pool resources (CPRs) is debated in many previous literatures. However, conditions under which certain types of heterogeneity may undermine or enhance collective action remain largely unknown. Varughese and Ostrom's (2001) study of Nepal community forest management shows that heterogeneity does not have a determinant impact on the likelihood or success of collective action. Furthermore, Ostrom (2002) indicates that it is important to ask how various kinds of heterogeneity affect other variables as they impact on the benefit-cost calculus of those involved in sustaining agreements, instead of focusing on these variables by themselves. Therefore heterogeneity may affect the level of CPRs management through two channels: (1) benefit distribution of resource manager, and (2) resource attributes.
    This paper investigates the effects of heterogeneity through the channels of the selection process of water manager and resource attributes on CPRs management, using community-level data from irrigation management in rural Yunnan, China. Our empirical findings provide evidence that racial heterogeneity has a positive and significant effect on the number of conflicts, and the incidence of water stolen through the selection process of water managers and the supply condition of water in the community. Heterogeneity has a determinant impact on the likelihood or success of irrigation management through the channels of benefit distribution by water manger and the supply condition of water as one of resource attributes.

Do Community Management and Co-management Improve Natural Forest Condition? ---A case of the Middle Hills in Nepal---

橘永久 (神戸大学)


    Does community management improve the condition of local natural resources? Do interventions and support by official agencies impair or enhance the functions of voluntary communal management? With 102 randomly-sampled natural forests in the Middle Hills of Nepal, we address these questions. Our data contain the cases of government management, community management, and co-management of local forests. Co-management is the management by the user groups receiving official support from local forest agencies. Forest condition was evaluated by the aerial-photo interpretation and forest inventory. We find that, controlling for the possible self-selection into official support, co-management system has contributed to improve tree regeneration. However, community management without any external support also can be effective. Our analysis indicates that such management reduced the incidences of forest fire.
