
Shock and Vulnerability in the West Africa Semi-Arid Tropics

Takeshi Sakurai (Policy Research Institute)
Kimseyinga Savadogo (University of Ouagadougou)


    The civil war in Côte d'Ivoire has caused an increase in household size due to returnees and a decrease in remittance received in rural Burkina Faso. The two kinds of shock have had the households taking coping behaviors. In spite of those coping behaviors, this study demonstrates that the households do not fully smooth consumption against the reduction of remittance form Côte d'Ivoire. The impact is much larger for the asset-poor households than the asset-rich household, as expected. Two-stage regression with income variable suggests that asset-rich households are insured against with the change of income that does not include self-agricultural production or remittance from Côte d'Ivoire. On the other hand the number of working-age returnees does not have a significant impact on household expenditure.
    Naturally rural households in Burkina Faso seem to be vulnerable. A determinant analysis indicates that vulnerable households are those who do not adopt animal traction and have relatively smaller number of working-age males. In addition, the older is a household head, the more vulnerable is the household up to a certain age (about the age of 60). But other variables do not predict well the incidence of poverty, probably because non-agricultural income, which is an important income source to substitute for the foreign remittance as shown above, does not rely on education level. Finally, it is shown that this poverty caused by the covariate shock decreased inequality measured by Gini coefficient. Hence, although the poverty seems to be persistent even after two years after the crisis, there is little equity issue with it.

Climate Change and Alternative Cropping Patterns in Lower Seyhan Irrigation Project:
A Regional Simulation Analysis with MRI-GCM and CSSR-GCM

Chieko Umetsu (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
K. Palanisami (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University)
Ziya Coskun, Sevgi Donma (6th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Adana, Turkey)
Takanori Nagano, Yoichi Fujihara (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Kenji Tanaka (Kyoto University)


    This paper tries to assess the regional impacts of climate change on agricultural production systems in Seyhan river basin in Turkey. We estimate the water availability in 2070s using the regional precipitation data from pseud-warming experiment and assess the possible cropping pattern and the farmer welfare in Lower Seyhan Irrigation Project (LSIP). We use expected value-variance (E-V) model which is used to analyze risk. The model maximizes basinwide total gross revenue of production according to the risk aversion coefficient. Higher values of risk aversion coefficient indicate more risk aversion.
    The solution of the model will give proportion of cropping area in LSIP to be allocated to different crops to maximize gross revenue per unit area under different risk aversion levels. By estimating future water availability in the LSIP, the simulation was run with i) base case under current water use level, ii) low water development scenario, and iii) high water development scenario, and iii) high water development scenario with the possibility of groundwater use. Under the water constraint and variability of gross revenue, farmers are more likely to choose high value added crops relative to water requirement such as melon, citrus, cotton, fruit and vegetables. However this combination of crops in 2070s, under the water availability of 429 mm with high water development and expanded irrigated area, will result in 703 YTL per decare, lower than the base case where the average gross revenue was 718 YTL per decare.


藤井陽子 (日本学術振興会特別研究員/帯広畜産大学)
近藤巧・長南史男 (北海道大学)

要 旨


Mothers' Dilemma?: Credit Constraint, Mothers' Work and Gender Disparity in Intrahousehold Time Allocation in Rural India

Nobuhiko Fuwa (Chiba University)
Seiro Ito, Kensuke Kubo (Institute of Developing Economies)
Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo)


    This paper examines the relationships among credit constraint, mothers' labor supply and children's time allocation in rural Andhra Pradesh, India, where a high prevalence of child labor poses serious problems. We estimate determinants of time allocation among children and of the gender gap between girls and boys in various activities treating both credit constraint and mothers' labor supply as endogenous variables. As expected, boys spend longer time in school than do girls, while girls spend longer time on household chores than do boys. When mothers increase their labor supply, however, the gender gap in children's time allocation (esp. schooling) does not appear to be affected significantly. We also find that a binding credit constraint significantly reduces children's schooling and leisure time and increases their domestic work time, but that the gender gap in children's time allocation (esp. schooling) appears to be smaller in credit-constrained households than in unconstrained households.

Was Agricultural Protection Reduced after the Uruguay Round?
---Evidence from East Asia---

Kuo-I Chang (University of Tokyo)
Kazunobu Hayakawa (Keio University)


    Uruguay Round (UR) in 1995 was very successful in constituting the Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) and entering agricultural trade liberalization into force with the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO). AOA incorporated completely new rules and commitments in three areas: market access (tariffication), domestic support, and export subsidies toward implementation of trade liberalization in agriculture. These commitments are being implemented over a 6 year period (10 years for developing countries). In the case of tariffication (tariff reduction) of the UR AOA, 36% (24%) average reduction by developed countries (developing countries), with a minimum per tariff line reduction of 15% (10%) was required.
    The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate how agricultural protection has been reduced before/after implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement on 1995 in East Asian countries. In this paper, we find that the UR AOA does not accelerate a reduction on agricultural protection in East Asian countries.


水田岳志 (東京大学)

要 旨

 本報告では、経済市場と政治市場の二つのブロック間の相互作用に注目し、内外価格差を決定する推定式を、ミクロ経済的・政治的に基礎付けたうえで導出を行った。それゆえ、推定式の記述している経済メカニズム・政治メカニズムを明示することが可能となった。具体的に、経済市場を固定生産要素を仮定した短期の一般均衡モデルであるSpecific factor Modelで記述した。そして政府の政策決定過程を記述する政治市場を、政策決定過程を産業団体によるロビングのみを考慮したProtection For Sale model、投票者の投票行動のみを記述したProbabilistic Voting model、そして投票行動とロビー活動の両者を考慮したLobbing - Probabilistic Voting modelの代替的な三制度によって記述を行い、統計的に検定を行った。
 統計分析の結果、55年体制下の日本において、Protection For Sale model、およびProbabilistic Voting modelは棄却された。それゆえ、農業部門における市場の歪みは、投票制度及び産業組織のロビー活動により発生したと考えられる。さらに農業部門の政治力は全産業平均を上回ることが統計的に検出された。その主な要因として、農業部門に所属する投票者の同質性があげられる。


三輪加奈 (神戸大学)

要 旨

 本稿の目的は,カンボジアの農村部における子供の健康(child health)の決定要因について,特に両親の教育および家計の社会関係資本(social capital)との関連性に焦点をあてた分析を行うことである.
 本稿の分析では,2006年9〜10月にカンボジアのコンポンスプー州およびタケオ州の農村部に位置する4村落で実施した家計調査のデータを用いている.分析の対象となったのは,全調査対象の168世帯のうち,5歳以上〜14歳以下の子供が少なくとも1人はいて,かつ父親と母親ともに健在である家計(107世帯)で,子供の総数は202人である. このカンボジア農村のデータを用いて,子供の健康の決定要因に関する既往研究での議論を踏まえた3つの仮説,(1)教育水準の高い親を持つ子供ほどより健康である,(2)親の情報へのアクセスが多いほどその子供は健康である,(3)社会関係資本が高いほどより健康である,について検証した.
