
Intensification of Lowland Cropping Systems and Informal Land Ownership in West Africa: Comparison of the Cases in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana

Takeshi Sakurai (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)


    The enhancement of agricultural productivity is key to economic development of sub-Saharan Africa. Particularly, the intensification of lowland agriculture is critically important in West Africa since demand for rice and vegetables is increasing rapidly due to urbanization. As has been debated much, informal land tenure system in sub-Saharan Africa can be a constraint to the intensification. This paper, applying an endogenous switching probit model where lowland ownership is endogenously selected, analyzes data collected in the area around two large inland cities, Bouaké in Côte d'Ivoire and Kumasi in Ghana. Regression results reveal that public ownership has a positive impact on the intensification of lowland cropping in the Bouaké area, while it discourages the intensification of lowland cropping as well as investment in tree plantation in lowlands in the Kumasi area. The findings support the hypotheses since land is relatively scarcer in the Kumasi area than in the Bouaké area.

Is Land Fragmentation Beneficial or Harmful?

Kentaro Kawasaki (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)


    While land fragmentation increases production cost, it also has benefit in reducing risk. This article estimated stochastic frontier cost function and Just-Pope production function using panel data of Japanese rice farms, and investigated cost and benefit of land fragmentation. Empirical results showed that land fragmentation do increase production cost, offsets economies of size, and these impacts become strong as farm size increases. Moreover, although land fragmentation does reduce risk, its monetary value calculated by risk premium is no more than 3 or 4% as compared to cost. From these findings, we can conclude that land fragmentation is a source of inefficiency, and is a subject that should be dissolved aggressively.


川口雅正 (九州産業大学)

要 旨

Yit = B + Ai + Pt + Ck + e  ----- (1)
B :
Ai : 年齢i 歳に特有の年齢効果
Pt : 時代t年特有の時代効果
Ck : k年出生世代に特有のコウホート効果
e : 誤差項
個人の年齢階級別消費量が,年齢区分の望ましくは数倍の期間にわたって与えられていれば,(1)式のパラメータは,OLSを使って簡単に推計されそうに思われる。しかし年齢・調査年次・出生年次の間には,線形の従属関係が存在し(t = i + k),一意的に解は求められない。A/P/Cコウホート分析における「識別問題」である。われわれはこれまでこの問題に対処するために,「パラメータの漸進的変化」を制約条件とする中村隆のベイズ型モデルに依拠してきた。しかし,近年,データに関する恣意的な想定を避けて,デザイン行列の「特異値分解」によってパラメータを推計するintrinsic estimator (IE)が紹介されている。われわれはIEをプログラム化し,コメと鮮魚について,ベイズ型とIEモデルの比較を試みた。さらにいくつかの架空の商品類型を想定し,ベイズ型とIEがそれぞれどの程度,予め想定した年齢・年次・コウホートの3効果を再現するかのシミュレーションを行った。

The Removal of Institutional Impediments to Migration and its Impact on Employment, Production and Income Distribution in China

Junichi Ito (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)


    The major objectives of this article are to identify the inter-regional and inter-sector wage differentials that are attributed to the institutional restriction on labor mobility (the hukou system), and then to simulate the impact that the removal of the restriction would have on the Chinese economy in terms of employment, production and income distribution. Our simulation results reveal that the removal of the hukou system would be accompanied by a massive coastward migration. As a result, the regional GDP would increase in the costal region, whereas the economy in the interior region would be doomed to stagnate. The degree by which the labor force would decrease with the removal of the hukou system is higher in TVEs (rural industry) than in agriculture, suggesting that the absence of job qualifications would prevent the vast majority of farmers from changing their occupations. Should off-farm employment opportunities in cities for rural migrants be rationed, the elimination of the hukou system would exacerbate rather than cure the problem of unemployment in urban labor markets. To sum up, our empirical results throw doubt on the commonly-accepted view that the hukou system is the most crucial factor that gives rise to urban-rural income inequality.


中川聡司・草苅仁 (神戸大学)

要 旨



阪本亮・草苅仁 (神戸大学)

要 旨


The Effects of Demographic Change on Capital and Agriculture in Japan

Tomoko Kinugasa (Kobe University)
Mitoshi Yamaguchi (Onomichi University)


    After the World War II, Japan experienced a rapid demographic transition and industrialization. This research investigates the effects of demographic change on agriculture and non-agriculture in terms of capital accumulation. The effect of demographic change on capital growth is analyzed using an overlapping generations model of Kinugasa and Mason (2007). We investigate the effect of capital growth on agricultural and non-agricultural outputs and inputs by the general equilibrium growth accounting model of Yamaguchi (1982). Our simulation analysis with Japanese data shows that rapid decline in number of children and increase in adult longevity stimulated capital accumulation and increased the importance of non-agriculture from 1960s to 1990s. However, nowadays working age population who normally save more than the other generations is decreasing although adult longevity is moderately increasing in Japan, so we cannot expect a rapid increase in aggregate capital in the future. Therefore, the advantage of non-agriculture in Japan may decrease and the importance of agriculture may increase in the near future.
