
Collective Action for Local Commons Management: Empirical Evidence and Hypotheses Using an Evolutionary Game Theory

Junichi Ito (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)


    This paper presents hypotheses regarding collective actions for irrigation management, with the help of an evolutionary game theory, and verifies them empirically. Data for the analysis was collected by the author from the irrigation system of rural Yunnan, China. An econometric analysis reveals that collective action will be forthcoming in a rural community where few non-farm job opportunities are provided, the degree of income disparity among water users is quite small, and resource restrictions are moderately problematic. In other words, communities that do not meet these conditions are likely to suffer from the "prisoner's dilemma", with the management of local commons ending in tragedy. Also, the relationship between group size and collective action is ambiguously determined in our theoretical model, but there exists an inverse "U-shape" relationship. The fact that communities without local government intervention outperform those with intervention lends strong support to the frequently voiced view that governments or external agencies should delegate significant parts of the control rights of CPRs to immediate stakeholders.

Targeting of Cyclone Relief within the Village: Kinship, Sharing, and Capture

Yoshito Takasaki (University of Tsukuba)


    This paper investigates targeting of cyclone relief within the village in Fiji. We focus on two issues, the link of relief allocation with informal risk sharing and elite capture, both of which are directly related to kinship. We find the following. First, food aid is first targeted toward kin groups in response to their aggregate shocks and then shared among group members. Right after the cyclone when aid supply is scarce, households with housing damaged and greater crop damage are allocated less aid. Our interpretation is that they receive greater net private transfers in other forms especially in labor sharing among group members. Patterns of village, cropping, and housing rehabilitations are consistent with these findings and interpretation. Second, there is no elite capture of food aid within the kin group and traditional kin leaders rather share it for others. Contrarily, non-traditional community leaders capture aid when it is allocated across kin groups. Third, distinct from food aid demanded by all, tarpaulins demanded only by the needed are strongly targeted on housing damage among villagers not kin group members independent of social status. Victims with greater crop damage are also less prioritized. Implications for relief policies are discussed.

Soil Quality Value in Rural Kenya

Takashi Yamano (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development)


    Although productivity of rain-fed agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa depends on soil fertility, it is not clear how African farmers value their soil quality. We use the data from about 800 rural households in Kenya, where we can match the soil fertility information, including Soil Organic Matter and pH, with subjective values of the land owners for sales and rents. The preliminary results indicate some correlations between the soil fertility and the sales and rental values.

The Determinants of the Changing Behaviors of NERICA Adoption: An Analysis of Panel Data from Uganda

Yoko Kijima (University of Tsukuba)
Keijiro Otsuka (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development)
Dick Sserunkuuma (Makerere University)


    Using panel data of 347 households collected in 2004 and 2006 in Uganda, we identify four types of NERICA adoption behavior: continuous adoption in the two years, dropout (adoption only in 2004), late adoption (adoption only in 2006), and non-adoption. We found that the NERICA yield is significantly higher among the continuous adopters than among the dropouts and the late adopters. Further, the results of the estimated NERICA adoption and yield functions indicate that the low profitability of NERICA relative to the alternative crops explains the massive dropout rates, while the development of the market for rice via the improved provision of milling services and the use of farmer-produced seed led to wider the dissemination of NERICA rice.

インド・ケーララ州におけるSelf Help Group型マイクロファイナンス: グループ内部の資金配分メカニズムと相互保険制度の生成

後藤潤 (東京大学)

要 旨

 1980年代以降のバングラデシュ・グラミン銀行に代表されるマイクロファイナンス(MF)・プログラムの成功は、いわゆるグループレンディング(GL)と呼ばれる革新的な金融制度が、貧困削減の重要なツールとなり得ることを世に知らしめた。インドでは自助団体(Self Help Group; SHG)を組織してグループ連帯保証制度を採用する「SHGMFSHG-modeled MF)」が実施されている。とりわけ南インドにおけるSHGMFプログラムの成果は著しく、農村部における驚異的な普及率と金融取引に関する良好なパフォーマンス(高い返済率、低いドロップアウト率、融資・貯蓄残高の急増)を実現している。
 分析の結果以下の点が明らかとなった。第一に、SHGMFでは組織化において地理的近接性が優先されることで、グラミン型で想定されるpositive assortative matchingが成立せず、したがってSHG内部では参加者の間で経済的異質性が存在した。かかるグループ内の異質性を前提として各参加者への借入はSHG内部での交渉を通じて行われ、その結果融資(特に生産信用)が非貧困層に偏在していた。すなわち、所得下位層による生産信用の利用は概して限定的で、代わりに少額の信用を利用した消費平準化が主要目的となっていたのである。換言すれば、貧困層はSHGMFが引き起こす借手と貸手への合理的分化を甘受しながら、SHGへの参加費用として少額貯蓄を払い続けているといえよう。
 第二に、かかる資金配分メカニズムにおいては、各参加者の経済的苦境(idiosyncratic shock)に応じた二つの状態依存型契約が結ばれることが明らかとなった。一つ目が、債務不履行となった借入者に対する代理返済(state contingent repayment)である。二つ目が、少額貯蓄を払えずドロップアウトの脅威に晒された参加者に対する代理貯蓄(state contingent savings)である。いずれの場合も、相手からの将来の応報的行動を期待した互酬的準信用が状態依存型の契約変更を可能とし、SHG内部で内生的に相互保険制度が生成されていることが計量的に実証された。さらに、相互保険制度は歴史的に変遷してきた社会経済構造(労働慣行やインフォーマルな社会保障制度)に埋め込まれた信用取引から影響を受けていることも明らかとなった。したがって、かかるSHG内部の相互保険制度は、農村社会の深部に網の目のように張り巡らされた互酬的取引と整合的な形で存在することが必要条件となる可能性がある。

1920から30年代の日本における農家のリスク選好 ―帝国農会農業経営調査のパネルデータを利用して―

草処基 (京都大学)

要 旨


Compliance Behavior under Conservation Auctions: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis

Kentaro Kawasaki (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
Takeshi Fujie (Shiga University)
Kentaro Koito (Rakuno Gakuen University)
Norikazu Inoue (Shimane University)
Hiroki Sasaki (OECD)


    As a policy mechanism to encourage environmental conservation in agriculture, interest in the auction (conservation auction) has recently grown. In the conservation auctions, the regulator presents the conservation scheme and farmers compete each other by bidding to obtain subsidies allocated by the regulator. There are essentially two possible payment rules that can be used to determine the amount of payments. In the discriminatory format, each bidder is paid an amount equal to his or her actual winning bid. In a uniform-price auction, by contrast, all successful bidders earn the the highest winning bid.
    Several studies have been already conducted in the field of conservation auctions, but they abstract away from farmer's decisions on compliance behaviors. Farmers are always assumed to keep compliance. However, implementation of the conservation auctions would require monitoring problems. For example, if conservation scheme requires the reduction of pesticides or nitrogen input, it is clearly difficult to monitor whether farmers actually reduce them or not since it is not observable. Such an imperfect monitoring provides farmers with an incentive for noncompliance in which farmers deliberately renege on their contracts and receive subsidies without implementing the conservation scheme. If this happens, the performance of auction can be dramatically altered.
    In this article, we analyse the performances of conservation auctions that take compliance behavior into account both theoretically and experimentally, and both under the discriminatory format and uniform-price format.
