

木附晃実 (一橋大学大学院経済学研究科)

要 旨

 (1) 政府支出を一定として異なる政策の効果を比較する場合、補償水準が高すぎると農家の厚生をより向上させるような政策が必ずしも期待農家所得を上昇させる政策となるとは限らない。
 (2) 政府支出が同一であっても、直接支払政策の方が価格補償政策や単収補償政策といった農家の所得の変動を抑制する政策よりも却って農家厚生を向上させる可能性がある。 (1) の理由は、補償水準が高すぎる場合、投入量が大きく上昇し、政策が無い場合には期待限界利潤が負になる様な状況にも関わらず生産を行うためである。(2) の理由は、価格補償政策による限界リスクプレミアム(MRP)の減少が不十分にも関わらず投入量が上昇するため、リスクプレミアムが却って上昇するためである。本報告ではさらに、現実のデータを用いて農家厚生を定量的にシミュレーションにより推計することにより、理論分析で提示した命題の効果が政策評価に影響を与えうるものであるのかを検討した。その結果命題の(1) に関しては起こりうるがその影響は微小であることが示され、(2) に関してはMRPを十分に減少させないような所得安定化対策は、生産量の上昇を通じて却って多くのリスクプレミアムを受けることになるため、生産行動にほとんど影響を及ぼさない直接支払政策の方が農家の厚生を高める可能性があることが示唆された。またシミュレーションの結果は、欧米の先行研究において価格補償政策や単収補償政策よりも農家厚生の向上に寄与すると言われている所得補償政策に関して、本報告の結果もそれを支持するものとなった。

Do Agricultural Policies Crowd-out Risk Management Strategies? Evidence from Farm Level Analysis

木村伸吾 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)


    This paper assesses farmer's exposures to risks at the farm level from seven countries and develops a model representing the decisions of an individual risk averse farmer facing variability in both prices and yields. A set of stylized risk market instruments is represented. The model is calibrated using farm level data from the UK and Germany and Australia. Monte-Carlo simulations of the random variables are run, and the corresponding optimal responses are obtained. The main focus of this paper is the interactions between government payments and the farmers' use of risk market instruments in terms of the potential crowding out of such instruments and impacts on farm return and welfare.
    Unlike other studies this paper models farming response to payments in terms of production and the use of risk market instruments that are endogenous. Current policies such as cereal price intervention and single farm payment mitigates farmer's efforts to reduce farming risk by the potential crowding out of substitutive strategies. The simulation analysis indicates a number of potential interactions between government programmes and risk management strategies. The first example is the policy impact on producer's crop diversification strategy. It is shown that even the most decoupled payment could affect the producer's decision on crop diversification; government efforts to stabilize income through subsidizing yield insurance premium or forward price could partly be offset by the farmer's crop diversification strategy to pursue higher return with higher variability. The crowding-out effect of the crop diversification strategy is an important factor to determine the effectiveness of the government programmes to reduce the income variability. The second example is the policy impact on the use of risk market strategy. In some cases, the use of risk market instruments is partially crowded out by the government payments. If some risks are covered by the government programmes, the incentive to use market strategy to manage such risks is reduced.

Protection for Sale in Japan

水田岳志 (東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科/日本学術振興会特別研究員)

要 旨

 本稿は日本経済を対象としてGrossman and Helpman (1994) により提案されたProtection for Sale モデルの検証を行う。米国、豪国、墨国などにおける実証研究から「政府の社会厚生ウェイトが非常に高く推定される」という特徴が指摘されている(Gawande and Krishna, 2003)。日本の貿易保護構造を対象とする研究の出発点として、日本のデータを用いた既存研究のトレースを行い、日本と諸外国の検証結果の比較を行う。


 貿易障壁:Kee et. al (2006) により計測されたAd-valorem equivalent of non-tariff barriers, Overall Trade Restrictiveness Indexを用いる。
 輸入価格弾力性:Kee et. al (2004)により計測されたGDP functionアプローチによる輸入価格弾力性を用いる。
 政治献金データ:佐々木 et. al (1999) によれば、政治資金は政党交付金(国庫支出)に加えて、政党本部の政治資金団体、政党支部および各議員の資金管理団体という三経路を通じて政治家に供給されている。資金の獲得方法として、個人献金、企業献金、政治資金パーティおよび機関紙などによる事業収入が挙げられる。本稿では企業献金および政治資金パーティに参加した企業に着目し、『官報』上において公表される政治資金収支報告書要旨を用いる。政治資金規正法により政治団体は政治資金収支報告書の提出が義務付けられており、その政治資金収支報告書の要旨は『官報』上に公開される。その要旨の収入内訳欄において寄付および政治資金パーティに参加した企業名及び金額が記載されている。本稿では上記要旨に掲載されている企業(及び献金額)を「帝国データバンク企業年鑑」に従い日本標準産業分類(4 桁)に分類し、政治献金ダミーを作成する。


齋藤久光 (帯広畜産大学)

要 旨


Measuring the impact of agricultural cooperatives on farm income using PSM: A case study of watermelon contract farming in rural Nanjing, China

伊藤順一 (農林水産政策研究所)


    Agricultural cooperatives have received considerable attention in China because they are considered to help improve farmers' economic status. This paper examines the impact that contract farming under the cooperative system has on individual household economy, depending on data collected by the author from watermelon producing farm households in rural Nanjing. The cooperative addressed in this study restricts the participation of small-scale farmers, implying that selection into the program has to be taken into consideration for an accurate assessment of the treatment effect. The propensity score matching analysis reveals that the average treatment effect is significantly positive and accounts for around half of the pre-matching difference in farm income between participants and non-participants. Also worthy of emphasis is the fact that the treatment effect is highly heterogeneous; the economic benefits arising from the cooperative are significant only for small-scale farms. It can be argued that a coexistence of smallholder exclusion and the treatment effect in favor of small-scale farms is indicative of an emerging conflict of interests between the cooperative and potential participants.

Principal-cum-agent: a theory behind the demise of communal resource management

高橋太郎 (東京大学)


    Importance of community driven natural resource management has long been emphasised in the commons literature, yet few studies investigate conditions under which such schemes survive. From the mechanism design viewpoint this is highly unsatisfactory because, for efficient and effective takeover by government of these public service, this knowledge is crucial.
    As an attempt to examine when and why communal resource management breaks down, this presentation introduces a simple theoretical model in which a village community, collectively known as the principal, chooses between doing their own irrigation management work or outsourcing it to an specialised agent. Contrary to conventional principal-agent problems where only the agent's participation constraint is considered, the principal's DIY participatory constraint plays a defining role in the present model. The model predicts that importance of irrigation water, lack of income opportunities outside of farming, and the technical nature of irrigation work all lead to a stronger tendency of outsourcing; hence follows the breakdown of locally managed systems.
    This theory is then tested against an original dataset collected from 111 villages in China's south-western province of Yunnan, with empirical results strongly supporting the hypothesis. The analysis also finds that when pressure to dissolve the community scheme exceeds a certain threshold, village leaders tend to replace it with an individualised, monetary-based alternative system, rather than leaving the old system running inefficiently or walking out of the community in an irresponsible manner. The presentation concludes with an introduction to the recently acquired spatial dataset, which would further enhance the scope of analyses in future studies.

Motives behind Community Participation: Evidence from Natural and Field Experiments in a Developing Country

庄司匡宏 (成城大学)
青柳恵太郎 (JICA
笠原龍二 (JICA
澤田康幸 (東京大学)


    This study tests alternative hypotheses concerning motivation behind rural households' participation in community works. Using a unique data from natural and field experiments in Sri Lanka, we compare quantitatively five possible motives behind community participation, i.e., public goods investment, general social capital accumulation, production network formation, risk sharing network formation, and pure altruism. Our empirical results show that the community participation patterns are consistent with the social capital accumulation behavior to form risk sharing networks. Since only a few studies empirically investigate the process of social capital formation, our analysis fills the gap in the literature. Our findings also imply the possibility of a poverty trap: facing a negative shock, poor households find it difficult to spend time for social capital accumulation and risk sharing network formation; and this, in turn, causes the poor to be more vulnerable and thus poorer.
