
Yasunaga, Y., Takeuchi, T., Shimokawa, T., Asano, A., Nabeta, M., Ohta, Y. Sugarexpression in the mucosae of the canine uterus and vagina during the oestrouscycle and with pyometra. Vet J., 196: 116-118.

Takeuchi, T., Sugimoto, Y., Asano, A., Shimokawa, T., Nabeta, M., Usui, T. Gene Transcriptions of Toll-Like Receptors in the Mouse Uterus during Gestation. J Vet. Med. Sci. 75: 547-551.

Takeuchi, T., Yoshida, M., Shimizu, T., Asano, A., Shimokawa, T., Nabeta, M., Usui, T. Differential Expressions of Toll-Like Receptor Genes in the Vagina of Pregnant Mice. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75: 561-565.

Asano, A., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. Epitope Mapping of the Nucleocapsid Protein of Sendai Virus and Application of Antigenic Epitopes for the ELISA-Based Diagnosis of Sendai Virus Infection. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75: 909-916.

Asano, A., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. Development of an ELISA using a recombinant P46-like lipoprotein for diagnosis of Mycoplasma pulmonis infection in rodents. J. Vet. Med. Sci. in press.

Ichihashi, T., Asano, A, Usui, T.,Takeuchi, T., Watanabe, Y., Yamano, Y. Antiviral and antiproliferative effects of canine interferon-λ1. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 156: 141-146.

Khalid, A.M., Asano, A., Hosaka, Y.Z., Takeuchi, T., Yamano, Y. Tumor suppressor candidate TUSC3 expression during rat testis maturation. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 77: 2019-2024.





Masuda, Y., Matsuda, A., Usui, T., Sugai, T., Asano, A., Yamano, Y.: Biological effects of chicken type III interferon on expression of interferon-stimulated genes in chicken: comparison with type I and type II interferons. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 74: 1381-1386

Khalid, A.M., Asano, A., Hosaka, Y.Z., Ohyama, K., Ohta, M., Yamano, Y. Expression of a novel sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor motif protein gene in maturing rat testes. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 76: 1769-1773
Yasunaga, Y., Takeuchi, T., Shimokawa, T., Nabeta, M., Matsuu, A., Asano, A., Ohta, Y.: Sugar expressions on the vaginal epithelium in pregnant mice. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 74: 805–808

Khalid, A.M., Asano, A., Hosaka, Y.Z., Ohta, M., Ohyama, K., Yamano, Y. Rat stem-cellleukemia gene expression increased during testis maturation. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 76: 2118-2123

Ohta, M., Ohyama, K., Asano, A., Yokota, S., Khalid, A.M., Yamano, Y.: Regulation of rat tetratricopeptide repeat domain 29 gene expression by follicle-stimulating hormone. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 76: 1540-1543

Moriya, T., Kayano, T., Kitamura, N., Hosaka, Y.Z., Asano, A., Forostyak, O., Verkhratsky, A., Viero, C., Dayanithi, G., Toescu, E.C., Shibuya, I. Vasopressin-induced intracellular Ca
2+ concentration responses in non-neuronal cells of the rat dorsal root ganglion. Brain Res. 1483: 1-12


中村有孝、保坂善真、竹内崇師、浅野 淳、山野好章:マウス精巣におけるRab調節因子Tbc1d9の発現解析、第154回日本獣医学会(盛岡)



Kimoto, Y., Sugiyama, A., Nishinohara, M., Asano, A., Masuda, A., Ochi, T., Takeuchi, T.: Expressions of protein oxidation markers, dityrosine and advanced oxidation protein products in Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 73: 403-407

Asano, A., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N., Agui, T.: Identification of antigenic peptides derived from B-cell epitopes of nucleocapsid protein of mouse hepatitis virus for serological diagnosis. J. Virol. Methods, 177: 107-111



Torigoe, D., Asano, A., Yamauchi H., Ruiha D., Sasaki, N., Agui,T.: Genetic analysis of modifiers for the hooded phenotype in the rat. Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 57: 157-184

Kamio, T., Asano, A., Hosaka, Y.Z., Khalid, A.M., Yokota, S.I., Ohta, M., Ohyama, K., Yamano, Y.: Expression of the centrosomal colon cancer autoantigen gene during spermatogenesis in the maturing rat testis. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 74: 1466-1469


市橋朋典、浅野 淳、荻原喜久美、山野好章:組換えイヌインターフェロンλ1タンパク質の抗腫瘍作用、第150回日本獣医学会(帯広)

池田雄太郎、利谷彰彦、保坂善直、浅野 淳、山野好章:マウス精巣におけるCIBファミリー遺伝子の発現解析、第150回日本獣医学会(帯広)



Yamano, Y., Asano, A., Ohta, M., Hirata, S., Shoda, T., Ohyama, K. Expression of rat sperm flagellum-movement associated protein genes under 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin treatment. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73: 946-949 (2009).

Moritoh, K., Yamauchi, H., Asano, A., Yoshii, K, Kariwa, H. Takashima, I., Isoda. N., Sakoda, Y., Kida, H., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. Generation of congenic mouse strains by introducing the virus-resistant genes, Mx1 and Oas1b, of feral mouse-derived inbred strain MSM/Ms into the common strain C57BL/6J. Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 57: 89-99 (2009)

Simon, A.Y., Moritoh, K., Torigoe, D., Asano, A., Sasaki, N., Agui. T. Multigenic control of resistance to Sendai virus infection in mice. Infect. Genet. Evol. 9: 1253-1259 (2009)


浅野 淳、鳥越大輔、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:ペプチドアレイを利用したセンダイウイルスおよびマウス肝炎ウイルスに対する微生物モニタリング用抗原の開発、第56回日本実験動物学会(さいたま)

神尾高志、浅野 淳、保坂善真、大山建司、山野好章:ラット精巣に発現するガン関連遺伝子の解析、第50回日本生化学会中国・四国支部例会(鳥取)

増田康充、浅野 淳、山野好章:組換えニワトリインターフェロンλタンパク質の精製とその作用、第50回日本生化学会中国・四国支部例会(鳥取)

利谷彰彦、浅野 淳、山野好章:マウス精巣におけるTBCドメインを持つ遺伝子の発現解析、第148回日本獣医学会(鳥取)

神尾高志、浅野 淳、保坂善真、大山建司、山野好章:ラット精巣における結腸ガン抗原遺伝子の発現解析、第148回日本獣医学会(鳥取)

増田康充、浅野 淳、山野好章:組換えニワトリインターフェロンλタンパク質の抗ウイルス遺伝子誘導作用、第148回日本獣医学会(鳥取)



Hashimoto, K., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Induction of tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression by bacteria in the fat body of eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 149: 501-506 (2008).

Yamano, Y., Asano, A., Ohyama, K., Ohta, M., Nishio, R., Morishima, I. Expression of Ha-ras suppressor family member 5 gene in the maturing rat testis. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 72: 1360-1363 (2008).

Kariwa, H., Noda, H., Nakauchi, M., Ishizuka, M., Hashiguchi, K., Hashimoto, S., Yoshii, K., Asano, A., Agui, T., Kogaki, H., Kurano, Y., Uchida, Y., Fujii, N., Okada, M., Takashima, I. Characterization and epitope mapping of monoclonal antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 55: 115-127 (2008).


浅野 淳、鳥越大輔、高倉 彰、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:Mycoplasma pulmonis感染の高感度血清学的モニタリングのための組換えP46-like lipoproteinを用いたELISA法の開発、第55回日本実験動物学会(仙台)

神尾高志、浅野 淳、大山建司、山野好章:精子形成ラット精巣に発現する癌抗原遺伝子の解析、第146 回日本獣医学会(宮崎)

増田康充、浅野 淳、神尾高志、北村直樹、澁谷 泉、山野好章:組換えニワトリインターフェロンλタンパク質の精製、第146 回日本獣医学会(宮崎)



Bao, Y., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Beta-1,3-glucan inducible expression of prophenoloxidase-activating proteinase from eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 147: 45-48 (2007).

Ohyama, K.,Ohta, M., Sano, T., Sato, K., Nakagomi, Y., Shimura, Y., Yamano, Y, Maternal exposure of low dose of TCDD modulates the expression of estrogen receptor subunits of male gonads in offspring. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 69: 619-625 (2007).

Onoe, H., Matsumoto, A., Hashimoto, K., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) from eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini; protein purification and induction of the gene expression. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. 147: 512-519 (2007).

Hashimoto, K., Mega. K., Matsumoto, Y., Bao, Y., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Three peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) genes encoding potential amidase from eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 148: 322-328 (2007).

Sasaki, N., Hosoda, Y., Nagata, A., Ding, M., Cheng, J-M., Miyamoto, T., Okano, S., Asano, A., Miyoshi, I., Agui, T. A mutation in Tpst2 encoding tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase causes dwarfism associated with hypothyroidism. Mol. Endocrinol. 21: 1713-1721 (2007).

Asano, A., Tsubomatsu, K., Jung C.-G., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. A deletion mutation of the protein tyrosine phosphatase kappa (Ptprk) gene is responsible for T-helper immunodeficiency (thid) in the LEC rat. Mammal. Genome 18: 779-786 (2007).


太田正法、佐野友昭、小林清司、佐藤和正、小林基章、望月美恵、三井弓子、永嶺健次郎、矢ヶ崎英晃、斎藤朋洋、山野好章、大山建司:精子形成期に特異的に発現するHeat shock protein遺伝子発現の調節機構について、第80回 日本内分泌学会学術総会(東京)



浅野 淳、坪松耕太、Cha-Gyun Jung、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:LECラットのヘルパーT細胞欠損変異(thid)の原因はprotein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type kappa (Ptprk)遺伝子の欠失である、第17LECラット研究会(東京)

森藤可南子、山内豪人、浅野 淳、好井健太朗、高島郁夫、磯田典和、迫田義博、喜田 宏、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:Mx及びOasウイルス感染抵抗性遺伝子座導入コンジェニックマウスの作製、第54回日本実験動物学会(東京)

イラ アヨ シモン、森藤可南子、浅野 淳、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:近交系マウスを用いたセンダイウイルス感染抵抗性・感受性遺伝子座のQTL解析、第114回日本獣医学会(江別)

浅野 淳、坪松耕太、Cha-Gyun Jung、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:LECラットのヘルパーT細胞欠損変異(thid)の原因はPtprk遺伝子の欠失である、第144回日本獣医学会(江別)



Bao, Y., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Induction of hemolin gene expression by bacterial cell wall components in eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 146: 147-151 (2006).

Cho, A-R., Uchio-Yamada, K., Torigai, T., Miyamoto, T., Miyoshi, I., Matsuda, J., Kurosawa,T., Kon,Y., Asano, A., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. Deficiency of the tensin2 gene in the ICGN mouse, an animal model for congenital nephrotic syndrome. Mamm. Genome 17: 407-416 (2006).

Kimura, K., Kita, M., Suzuki, T., and Yamano, Y. Status report of the working environment measurement of the radioisotope facilities at Tottori University,
日本放射線安全管理学会誌第5巻: 45-48 (2006).





山野好章、大山建司、太田正法、正田朋子、平田修司、星 和彦、山根真由、森嶋伊佐夫:ダイオキシン投与ラットにおける精子鞭毛構成タンパク質(ODF1)遺伝子の発現、日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム(名古屋)

鳥越大輔、並木由佳、昆泰寛、浅野 淳、佐々木宣哉、安居院高志:AKR/Nマウスの精子形成における熱ストレス抵抗性遺伝子座のQTL解析、第53回日本実験動物学会(神戸)

佐々木宣哉、細田弥生、宮本智美、三好一郎、浅野 淳、安居院高志:甲状腺機能低過症マウスDW/J-grtの原因遺伝子はTpst2である、第140回日本獣医学会(山口)



Bao, Y., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. A novel lebocin-like gene from eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini, that dose not encode the antibacterial peptide lebocin. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 140: 127-131 (2005).

Yamano, Y., Ohyama, K., Ohta, M., Sano, T., Ritani, A., Shimada, J., Ashida, N., Yoshida, E., Ikehara, K., Morishima, I. A novel spermatogenesis related factor-2 (SRF-2) gene expression affected by TCDD treatment. Endocrine J. 52: 75-81 (2005).

Yamano, Y., Ohyama, K., Ohta, M., Nakamura, J., Morishima, I. Expression of small stress protein Hsp20 gene in the maturing rat testis. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 67:1183-1186 (2005).

Miyake, S., Yamano, Y., Morishima, I. Promoting protein, a silkworm hemolymph protein promoting in vitro replication of nucleopolyhedrovirus, binds to β-glucan. Biosci., Biotech. Biochem. 69: 2012-2014 (2005).

Okano, S., Asano, A., Sasaki, N., Kon, Y., Watanabe, T., Agui, T. Examination of the Lunatic fringe and Uncx4.1 expression by whole-mount in situ hybridization in the embryo of the CKH-Jsr (jumbled spine and ribs) mouse. Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 52: 145-149 (2005).

Nakamura, T., Asano, A., Okano, S, Ko, J.-H., Kon, Y, Watanabe, T., Agui, T. Intracellular localization and antiviral property of canine Mx proteins. J. Interferon Cyokine Res. 25: 169-173 (2005).

Namiki, Y., Kon, Y., Kazusa, K., Asano, A., Sasaki, N., Agui, T. Quantitative trait loci analysis of heat stress resistance of spermatocytes in the MRL/MpJ mouse. Mamm. Genome 16: 96-102 (2005).



Yamano, Y., Kamon, R., Shimizu, T., Toda, Y., Oshida, Y., Chaki, S., Yoshioka, M.,Morishima, I. The role of the DRY motif of human MC4R for receptor activation. Biosci., Biotech., Biochem., 68: 1369-1371 (2004).

Yamano, Y., Yoshioka, M., Toda, Y., Oshida, Y., Chaki, S., Hamamoto, K.,and Morishima, I. Regulation of CRF, POMC and MC4R gene expression after electrical foot shock stress in the rat amygdala and hypothalamus. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 66: 1323-1327 (2004).

Ko, J.-H., Asano, A., Kon, Y., Watanabe, T., Agui, T.:Characterization of the chicken PKR: polymorphism of the gene and antiviral activity against vesicular stomatitis virus. Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 51: 123-133 (2004).

Asano, A., Kon, Y., Agui, T. The mRNA regulation of porcine double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase gene. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 66:1523-1528 (2004).

Okumura, M., Yoshimatsu, K., Araki, K., Lee, B.-H., Asano, A., Agui, T., Arikawa, J.: Epitope analysis of monoclonal antibody E5/G6, which binds to a linear epitope in the nucleocapsid protein of hantaviruses. Arch. Virol. 149: 2427-2434 (2004).

Kazusa, K., Namiki, Y., Asano, A., Kon, Y., Endoh, D., Agui, T. Differences in spermatogenesis in cryptorchid testes among various strains of mice. Comp. Med. 54: 179-184 (2004).