Laboratory of Construction and Maintenance Management of Agricultural Facilities

Prof. Dr. Agr. Hidehiko OGATA
Japanese Version
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University
4-101 Minami Koyama-cho Tottori 680-8553, JAPAN
TEL & FAX : +81-857-31-5397(DIRECT)
E-mail :
B.S. 1992 : Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki
University, JAPAN
M.S. 1994 : Agricultural Engineering, Graduate School of Agriculture, Miyazaki
University, JAPAN
Dr. Agr 1997 : Science of Life Environment and Conservation, United Graduate School of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, JAPAN
(A Study on Prevention of Thermal Cracking of Concrete
Box Culvert Walls on Farm Roads)
1994. April - 1996. March
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1)
1997. April - 1998. March
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD)
1998. April - 2002. March
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, JAPAN
2002. April - 2003. March
Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, JAPAN
2003. April - 2003. April
Full-time Lecturer, International Student Center, Tottori University, JAPAN
2003. May - 2014. June
Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, JAPAN
2014. July - 2021. September
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, JAPAN
2021, October -
Professor, Vice-Dean, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
Tottori University, JAPAN
- Scientific Inquiry Award in Tottori University (2006)
- Research Encouraging Award in Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage
and Rural Engineering (2008)
- Planning Division Award in Japanese Association for the Study of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering (2011)
- Research Encouraging Award of Research Division on Construction and Materials
in Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering (2012)
- Technical Award in Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
- Technical Award in Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
- Sawada Prize in Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
- Cracking Mechanism of Concrete Structures for Irrigation and Drainage
- Frost Damage Mechanism and Diagnosis of Concrete Channel in Cold Regions
- Performance Diagnosis of Concrete Structures for Irrigation and Drainage by Non-destructive Testing
- Performance Evaluation and Performance Verification Method of Farm Road by Sediment Pavement
- Development of Environment-friendly Material by using Agricultural By-product
- Ikadatsu, H., Ogata, H., Hyodo, M. and Ishigami, A. (2024):Thermal stress analysis of cracks around the joints of the side wall of cast-in-place reinforced concrete open channels, Paddy and Water Environment, Vol.22, pp.223-241
- Ikadatsu, H., Shinohara, K., Ishigami, A. and Ogata, H. (2024):A Study on Design and Load Management Method of Restraint Jig for Considering Acting Force in Freezing and Thawing Test for Concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.46, pp.691-696 (in
- Ishigami, A., Minami, M., Kanazawa, T., Ogata, H. and Hama, Y. (2024):Evaluation of the Frost Damage Resistance Based on Adhesion in Inorganic
Repair Methods, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.318, pp.II_27-II_39
(in Japanese)
- Kabwe, A.L, Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Sagawa, Y., Adachi, Y. and Ishii, M. (2023):The Factors Affecting Stability and Durability of Flow Diversion Simple Weirs in Muchinga Province of Zambia, water, 16, 1852
- Kato, S., Ueno, K., Hyodo, M. and Ogata, H. (2023):Effect of base surface roughness, cutting depth and coating thickness on adhesion of inorganic repair materials for repairing concrete channels in the pre-survey and monitoring survey, Paddy and Water Environment, Vol.21, pp.151-164
- Ishigami, A., Minami, M., Kanazawa, T., Ogata, H. and Hama, Y. (2023):Ultra-durable Technology of Mortar Coverage and Restoration Using Blast
Furnace Slag Materials, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
91(7), pp.465-468 (in Japanese)
- Yokochi, M., Ishigami, A., Nagashima, S. and Ogata, H. (2023):Assessment of Concrete Moisture by Near-infrared Spectral Images, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
91(11), pp.813-816 (in Japanese)
- Kabwe, A.L, Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Sagawa, Y., Adachi, Y. and Ishii, M. (2023):Simple Weir Types and Their Prospects for Small-Scale Irrigation Development in Northern Zambia, International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development, 14, pp.1-8
- Kabwe, A.L, Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Sagawa, Y., Adachi, Y. and Ishii, M. (2023):Diagnostic Assessment in the Wet and Dry Seasons of Simple Weirs Constructed by Small-Scale Farmers in the Northern Region Provinces of Zambia, water, 15, 3935
- Ogata, H., Otsuka, M., Hyodo, M. and Ikadatsu, H. (2023): Effects of Lime-Based Expansion Material and Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Air-Void Blockage in Concrete, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.21, pp.1008-1019
- Hyodo, M., Yamamuro, S., Hatanaka, T., Oyama, K., Ishii, M. and Ogata, H. (2022):Evaluation of Consistency and Identification of Issues in Application of Automatic Mschine for Internal Loading Method to Buried Agricultural Pipelines, Infrastructure Maintenance Practices, Vol.41, No.1, pp.106-114 (in
- Hyodo, M., Shibahara, S., Ogata, H., Atarashi, D., Kawasaki, Y. and Okamoto, T. (2022): Improvement in Long-term
Strength and Flow of Mortar Containing Reed Ash and Powder, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.20, pp.267-276
- Kawabe, S., Kanamori, T., Ogata, H., Yagisawa, Y. and Yoshioka, N. (2022):Field Verification on Test Method for Bond Strength of Inorganic Repairing Material Using Circlar Jigs, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.22, pp.53-58
(in Japanese)
- Taniguchi, M. and Ogata, H. (2021):Study on the index (measurement item) of JIS A 1148 Method of test for resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.43, pp.580-585 (in
- Ikadatsu, H., Arai, M., Ootsuka, M. Ogata, H. (2021):Effects of Different Shapes of Concrete Specimens and Methods of Measuring Primary Resonance Frequency on the Evaluation of Freezing and Thawing Resistance, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.43, pp.610-615 (in
- Oyama, K., Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Ishii, M. and Ueno, K. (2021):Basic Study on Behavior of Buried Flexible Pipe under Application of Internal
Loading Method, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers(E2:Materials and Concrete Structures), Vol.77, No.3, pp.108-112
(in Japanese)
- Okayama, D., Ogata, H., Hyodo, M., Yoshioka, N. and Yagisawa, Y. (2021):Fundamental Study of Frost Damage Diagnosis in Concrete by Using Screw
Insertion Torque of Anchor, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.21, pp.155-160
(in Japanese)
- Oyama, K., Hyodo, M., Nishiguchi, M., Ogata, H. and Ishii, M. (2021):A Study on Behavior of VU Pipe with Overburden Pressure under Application
of Internal Loading Method, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers(E2:Materials and Concrete
Structures), Vol.77, No.4, pp.187-195 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hyodo, M., Ishigami, A. and Atarashi, D. (2020):A Study on Precipitates in Air Voids and Cracks of Concrete in Aging Open Channels in Cold Regions, Concrete Research and Technology, No.31, pp.23-32 (in Japanese)
- Nishida, M., Ishigami, A. and Ogata, H. (2020):Suggestion for Application of Surface Protection Method for Channel in Cold Regions, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 88(6), pp.23-26 (in Japanese)
- Takemi, N., Ogata, H., Hyodo. M. and Hashimoto, M. (2020):The Effects of carbonation in Mortar area at the Surface Concrete on Resistance against Scaling, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.42, pp.647-652 (in
- Hyodo, M., Shibahara, S., Ogata, H. and Sotome, K. (2020):Consideration on the fluidity of mortar containing reed powder from perspective of organic chemical components, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.42, pp.1294-1299 (in
- Oyama, K., Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Ishii, M. and Yoshihara, O. (2020):Behavior of Buried RC Pipe Loaded Locally from Inner Surface, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.312, pp.I_53-I_61 (in Japanese)
- Kato, S., Yagisawa, Y., Kawabe, S. and Ogata, H. (2020):Fundamental Study on the Test Method for Adhesive Strength of Inorganic Repairing Material Using the Circle Fixture, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.311, pp.I_193-I_201 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Shibahara, S. and Ogata, H. (2019) :Influence of Organic Components and Inorganic Components of Reed as a Concrete
Admixture, Paddy and Water Environment, Vol.17, pp.411-417
- Fujimoto, M., Hyodo, M., Ishii, M., Shimizu, K. and Ogata, H. (2019):Development of Channel Wall Loadind Method to Evaluate Structural Safety
of Concrete Open Channels - Basic studies on channel wall loading method
applying to factory-made concrete flumes -, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.308, pp.I_123-I_129
(in Japanese)
- Nishida, M., Ishigami, A. and Ogata, H. (2019):Repair Effect after Surface Protection Methods Application in Concrete
Open Canal in Cold Regions, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.41, pp.833-838 (in
- Ogata, H. (2019):Points to Note for Countermeasure Method and Deterioration Diagnosis of
Canals as Irrigation and Drainage Facilities, Cement & Concrete, No.870, pp.8-13 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hyodo, M., Ishigami, A. and Atarashi, D. (2019):A Study on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Concrete Deterioration in Aging Open Channels in Cold Regions, Concrete Research and Technology, No.30, pp.53-63 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ooyama, T., Kishimoto, K. ISHII, M. and Ogata, H. (2019):Identify Issues of Automated Internal Loading Device using Buried Pipes
for Appropriate Data Acquisition, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.19, pp.25-30
(in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ooyama, K., Igawa, H., Ishii, M., Kesyo, R. and Ogata, H. (2018):Evaluation of Variations in Cross-Sectional Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Pipes of Different Manufacturers Following Current and Previous Industrial Standards, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.306, pp.I_19-I_25 (in Japanese)
- K. Ooyama, M. Hyodo, H. Ogata and M. Ishii:Analysis by Internal Loding Method of Locally Loaded Centrifugal Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, 167-174, February 6-8 (2018), Osaka, Japan
- Ooyama, K., Hyodo, M., Ogata, H. and Ishii, M. (2018):Numerical Analyses for Centrifugal Reinforced Concrete Pipe Loaded by Internal Loding Method, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.306, pp.I_117-I_127
(in Japanese)
- Ishigami, A., Nishida, M., Makanae, H., Suto, M. and Ogata, H. (2018):Function Diagnosis Method of Concrete Facilities Corresponding to Deterioration
in Cold Regions, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
86(6), pp.27-30 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Fujimoto, M., Shimizu, K., Ishii, M. and Ogata, H. (2018):Proposal on the Remaining Strength Method of RC Open-channel for Agriculture
Using Canal-wall Loading Method, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
86(6), pp.37-40 (in Japanese)
- K. Ooyama, M. Hyodo, H. Ogata and M. Ishii:Improving the analysis accuracy for deformation by the internal loading method applied to centrifugal reinforced concrete pipe, Proceedings of the 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 218-223, June 10-15 (2018), Sapporo, Japan
- Tanaka, K., Kikuchi, S., Osaki, F. and Ogata, H. (2018):Fundamental Studies of Method for Density of Hardened Concrete by Fill Sand, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.40, pp.495-500 (in
- Kato, S., Ogata, H., Shimizu, K. and Kaneko, H. (2018):Fundamental Studies of Test Method for Bond Strength Using Screwed the Fixture of Inorganic Repairing Materials, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.40, pp.1521-1526 (in
- Takemi, N., Sakai, M., Ogata, H., Hyodo, M. and Ishigami, A. (2018):Deterioration in Concrete Lined Open Channels located for Long Term in
Cold Region, Proceedings of the JCI Symposium on Concrete Deterioration under Natural Environment, pp.221-228 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ooyama, K., Hatanaka, T., Kishimoto, K. and Ogata, H. (2018):Stiffness Evaluation of PVC and RC Pipe Using Internal Loading Equipment, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.18, pp.35-40
(in Japanese)
- M. Hyodo, S. Shibahara and H. Ogata:Reed as a concrete admixture material for sustainable water purification, PAWEES-INWEPF International conference Nara 2018, 828-837, November 20-22 (2018), Nara, Japan
- Hama, Y., Ogata, H., Hayashi, D., Aba, M., Yuasa, N. and Atarashi, D. (2017):Report of JCI Technical Committee on Functions and Techniques for Controlling
of Air Voids in Concrete, Cement & Concrete, No.839, pp.26-34 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ogata, H. and Ishii, M. (2017):Proposal of Internal Loading Method to Evaluate Remaining Strength of Buried Pipe -Evaluation of its applicability to RC pipes-, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.304, pp.I_1-I_6
(in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Katoh, S., Shimizu, K. and Kaneko, H. (2017):Fundamental Study of the Development of Anchor Fixture and Test Conditions
of Ancher Tension Test for Bond Strength of Inorganic Repairing Materials, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.39, pp.1729-1734 (in
- Fujimoto, M., Hyodo, M. and Ogata, H. (2017):A Study on the Anchor Pull-out Load by the Filling of Grout Materials in the Panel Method with Anchor Fixing, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.17, pp.581-586
(in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Katoh, S., Shimizu, K., Kaneko, H. and Ishigami, A. (2017):A Study on the Development of Anchor Fixture and Test Conditions for Diagnosis of Frost Damage in Surface Concrete Applying Anchor Tension Test, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.17, pp.669-674
(in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ishii, M., Ogata, H., Kishimoto, K., Hatanaka, T. and Okuda, T. (2017):Evaluation of Cross-Sectional Stiffness along Axial Direction in Cracked
RC Pipes, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.305, pp.I_185-I_190
(in Japanese)
- Hama, Y., Ogata, H., Hayashi, D., Aba, M., Yuasa, N. and Atarashi, D. (Technical Committee
on Functions and Techniques for Controlling of Air Voids in Concere) (2015):Technical Committee on Functions and Techniques for Controlling of Air
Voids in Concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.38, pp.1-10 (in Japanese)
- Hashimoto, M., Yuasa, N., Ogata, H. and Hayashi, D. (2016):Influence of Mix Proportion, Placement and Compaction in the Air Distribution
of the Hardened Concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.38, pp.1557-1562 (in
- Hyodo, M., Ogata, H. and Hara. I. (2016):Pozzolanic Reaction of Reed Ash of a Different Combustion Temperature, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.38, pp.1767-1772 (in
- Ogata, H., Hyodo, M., Kobayashi, T. and Taketsu, H. (2016):Effects of Saturated and Uusaturated States on Thermal Diffusivity in Permeable Concrete, Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.69, pp.243-250 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Shimizu, K., Ishigami, A. and Taba, K. (2016):Diagnosis of Frost Damage in Concrete Side Wall using the Maximum Tensile
Load of Anchor Tension Test, Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenarios, JSMS, Vol.16, pp.245-250
(in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Ishigami, A. and Sato, S.(2016):Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity by On-site Non-destructive Test in Deteriorated
Concrete Due to Frost Damage, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.303, pp.I_291-I_299 (in Japanese)
- Matsumoto, T., Natsuka, I., Ishii, M. and Ogata, H.(2016):Evaluation of Taber Type Abrasion Test as Alternative Method for Abrasion
Test Using Water Jet with Sand, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.303, pp.I_325-I_330
(in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Hyodo, M. and Doi, M. (2015):A Study on Measurement Method of First Resonance Frequency by Non-destructive Field Test on Concrete Structures for Irrigation and Drainage, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.295, pp.69-75
(in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Yamazaki, D., Suto, M. and Hyodo, M. (2015):Field Verification of Low-pressure Silane Injection for the Inspection of Concrete Microcracking, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.295, pp.85-90 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Tamura, Y., Hyodo, M., Ishigami, A. and Sato, S. (2015):Study of Quantitative Evaluation of Micro Cracks in Extracted Concrete Core by Infrared Thermography Method, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.297, pp.I_91-I_97 (in Japanese)
- Ishita,C., Hyodo, M. and Ogata, H.:Evaluation of recycled coarse aggregate applied the freezing and thawing, International Conference on the Regeneration and Conservation of Concrete Structures, I-23_1-6, June 1-3 (2015), Nagasaki, Japan
- Ogata, H., Yamazaki, D. and Hyodo, M. (2015):Examination for utility of the Measuring Method of Freezing Damage Depth by Low-pressure Silane Injection, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.37, pp.811-816 (in Japanese)
- Ishita, C., Hyodo, M. and Ogata, H. (2015):Physical evaluation of recycled coarse aggregate extracted from concrete mass, remained concrete and returned concrete applied the freezing and thawing, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.37, pp.1399-1404 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hyodo, M., Kobayashi, T. and Taketsu, H. (2015):Comparison of Temperature Change in Freeze-thaw Environment of the Permeable Concrete Different in Saturation in a Gap, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.298, pp.W_15-W_16 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Shimizu, K., Ishigami, A. and Taba, K. (2015):Diagnosis of Frost Damage in Concrete Structures by Anchor Tension Test using Metallic Post-installed Anchor, The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection Symposium, No.5, pp.77-84 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Yoshii, R. and Ogata, H. (2015):Fundamental Research on Chemical Identification of Reed Ash and Strength Characteristics of Mortar That Was Mixed woth Reed Ash as a Concrete Admixture, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.298, pp.II_83-II_85 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Ishigami, A., Taba, K. and Fujimoto, M. (2015):Freeze-thaw Resistance amd Thermal Property in Permeable Concrete, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 83(9), pp.29-32 (in Japanese)
- Ishigami, A., Ogata, H., Fujimoto, M. and Aoyama, H. (2015):The Method for Rehabilitation of Channel in Cold Regions, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 83(9), pp.37-40 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Ishigami, A., Taba, K. (2015):The Method for Rehabilitation with a Future Monitoring in a Channel, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 83(10), pp.19-22 (in Japanese)
- Ishigami, A., Sato, S. Suto, M. and Ogata, H. (2015):Generating Form and Its Diagnosis Methods of Frost Damage in Concrete Channel, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 83(10), pp.27-30 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ishii, M., Tsukuda, R, Ogata, H. and Nonaka,T. (2015):Proposal of Internal Loading Method to Evaluate Remaining Strength of Buried Pipe - Evaluation of its applicability by experiments using PVC pipe -, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.300, pp.I_215-I_220 (in Japanese)
- Hama, Y., Ogata, H., Hayashi, D., Aba, M., Yuasa, N. and Atarashi, D. (Technical Committee on Functions and Techniques for Controlling of Air Voids in Concere) (2015):Variation of Air Content in the Construction Process and Functions of Air Voids in Concrete, Concrete Journal, Vol.53, No.11, pp.970-977 (in Japanese)
- Watabe, K., Takeda. M., Taba, M. and Ogata, H. (2015):Reinforcing Effect of the Method for Rehabilitation of Channel in Cold Regions, Japanese Association for the Study of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.177, pp.63-67 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Sakamoto, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2014):A Study of Vehicle Load for Conservation and the Design of a Farm Road, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 82(2), pp.27-31 (in Japanese)
- Godenki, H., Sakamoto, Y., Haga, J., Hyodou, M. and Ogata, H. (2014):An Evaluation of the Practicality of Application in the Paddy Field of Method for Tentative Conservation of Agricultural Land, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 82(4), pp.27-30 (in Japanese)
- Hyodo, M., Ogata, H., Sato, S. and Nonaka, T. (2014):Effect on Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Mixing Water to Hexavalent Chromium Leached from Cement, Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.67, pp.25-30 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Yamazaki, D., Suto, M. and Hyodo, M. (2014):Experimental Estimate of Injectable Material of Micro-crack Detection by the Low Pressure Injection Method, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.36, pp.1984-1989 (in Japanese)
- Ishii, M., Natsuka, I., Ogata, H., Enjoji, M. and Uemi, K. (2014):In-situ Loading Tests on Irrigation Tunnel and Numerical Analysis Aiming for Safety Evaluation, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.292, pp.49-57 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Kaneta, T., Ishigami, A., Suto, M. and Ogata, H. (2013):Point to Note for Frost Damage Diagnosis of Reinforced Concrete Canals by Visual Observation, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 81(2), pp.31-34 (in Japanese)
- Ishigami, A., Kaneta, T., Sato, S., Suto, M. and Ogata, H. (2013):Estimation of Frost Damage Deterioration Depth in Concrete Channels Using Ultrasonic Waves, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No.283, pp.87-98 (in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Ishigami, A. and Sato, S. (2013):Evaluation by Applicability of Grouting and Filling Range Based on Ultrasonic Method for Internal Cracks of RC Open Channel, Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.66, pp.296-302 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hyodou, Nakata, T. and Sakamoto, Y. (2013):Application of Vehicle Vibration Characteristic for Road Surface Management of Sediment Pavement on Farm Road, Journal of Pavement,48(6), pp.9-13 (in Japanese)
- Yamagishi, S., T. Suzuki, Ogata, H. and Suto, M. (2013):Evaluation of Compression Failure of Freeze and Thawed Concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.35, pp.385-390 (in Japanese)
- Sakata, N., Hashimoto, M., Sugamata, T. and Ogata, H. (2013):Research on the Frost Damage Resistance of Moderate-Heat Portland Cement Concrete with Fly Ash, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.35, pp.895-900 (in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Ishigami, A. and Sato, S. (2013):Evaluation of Internal Deformation in Freeze and Thawed RC Open Channel by Grouting Method, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.35, pp.919-924 (in Japanese)
- M. Suto, H. Ogata, M. Hyodo, A. Ishigami, S. Sato, T. Kaneta and R. Takata (2013):Difference of Electromagnetic Wave Rader Reflection Image Due to Presence of Absence of Internal Deformation in RC Open Channel, Proceedings of the 23th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering, pp.1235-1240, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- Hyodo, M., Hayashi, N., Shinohara, Y. and Ogata, H. (2013):Functional Diagnosis of Dust Collector in Pipeline System in Touhaku Area of Tottori Prefecture, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 81(12), pp.33-36 (in Japanese)
- Sakamoto, Y., Shinotsuka, M., Kamada, O. and Ogata, H. (2012):A Study on Servicability Pavement on Farm Road -Evaluation of the surface roughness by the longitudinal surface profile and the vibrating acceleration-, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No. 278, pp.121-128 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hyodou, M., Sakamoto, Y., Godenki, H., Haga, J. and Yokobiki, K. (2012):Trial Construction Method for Tentative Conservation of Agricultural Land, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 80(5), pp. 27-30 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kaneta, T., Ishigami, A and Suto, M. (2012):Ultrasonic Testing and Visual Inspection for the Inside Deformation by Frost Damage in Open Channel, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, pp.892-897 (in Japanese)
- Sakamoto, Y., Godenki, H., Haga, J. and Ogata, H. (2012):Research on Surface Profile and Vehicle Vibration Characteristic of Sediment Pavement, Journal of Pavement Engineering, JSCE, 68(3) Vol. 17, pp.37-44 (in Japanese)
- Sakamoto, Y., Godenki, H., Haga, J. and Ogata, H. (2012):Evaluation of Durability Performance of Sediment Pavement by Experimental Pavement on Site, Journal of Pavement Engineering, JSCE, 68(3) Vol. 17, pp.131-138 (in Japanese)
- Panganayi, C., Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (2011):Effect of Plate Thickness on Crack Propagation Characteristics of Engineerd Cementitions Composites, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5), pp.542-547
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Yamazaki, D. and Takata, R. (2011):Internal of Carbonation Reaction to Nondestructive Tests for Frost Damage Diagnosis of Concrete, Proceedings of the 21th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering, pp.55-60, Maui, Hawaii, USA
- P. Cleopatra, H. Ogata, K. Hattori and T. Ichiyanagi (2011):Effect of D-galacturonic Acid on Hydration of Cementitious Materials, ASCE's Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol.23(12), pp.1596-1601, doi:10.1061/(ASCE) MT.1943-5533.0000327
- Ogata, H., Noda, T., Sakamoto, Y., Kamada, O. and Nakamura, K. (2011):A Study on the Estimation of the Performance of Sediment Pavement and the Required Function of the Farm Road in a Paddy Area, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No. 273, pp.73-79
- Morita, M., Suto, M., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (2011):The Form of Surface Deformation by Freezing and Thawing Action in The Concrete Canals, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 33, pp.911-916 (in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Morita, M., Ogata, H. and Yamazaki, D. (2011):Influence of the Carbonation of the Concrete Surface to Nondestructive Testing Result, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 33, pp.1679-1684 (in Japanese)
- Panganayi, C., Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Teckshawer, T. (2011):Interaction between Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) lining and foundation subsurface drain, Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2011, Article ID 280717, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2011/280717
- Sakamoto, Y., Tasso, Y. and Ogata, H. (2011):Resarch on Longitudial Surface Plofile of Existing Sediment Pavement, Journal of Pavement Engineering, JSCE, 67(3) Vol. 16, pp.81-86 (in Japanese)
- Sakamoto, Y., Shinotsuka, M., Nakamura, K. and Ogata, H. (2011):A Study on Performance Evaluation amd Performance Verification Method of Materials for Sediment Pavement, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, No. 276, pp.71-77 (in Japanese)
- Panganayi, C., Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Anwar A. M. (2010):Effectiveness of ECC in curtailing re-emergence of weeds on an earth embankment surface, Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 24(4), pp.545-561
- Suzuki, T., Ogata, H., Takata. R. and Sato, S. (2010):Damage Evaluation of Freeze and Thawed Concrete in Core Test, Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.63, pp. 204-211 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Takata, R., Suzuki, T., Yamazaki, D. and Sato, S. (2010) :The Generating Form of the Crack by Frost Damage in the Inside of the Wall of Reinforced Concrete Canals, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 78(5), pp. 29-33 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Suzuki, T., Yamazaki, D. and Hama, Y. (2010) :The Frost Damage in the Inside of the Wall of Reinforced Concrete Canals as a Wall Structure, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 32, pp.833-838 (in Japanese)
- Suto, M., Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Panganayi, C. (2010):Internal Deterioration in Concrete Lined Open Channels Due to Frost Damage, Proceedings of the 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering, pp.55-60, Beijing, China
- Panganayi, C., Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Suto, M. (2010):Effect of Plate Thickness on the Width and Distribution of Cracks on Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC), Proceedings of the 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering, pp.372-375, Beijing, China
- Suzuki, T., Ogata, H., Takata, T., Aoki, M. and Ohtsu, M. (2010):Use of acoustic emission and X-ray computed tomography for damage evaluation of freeze-thawed concrete, Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 24(12), pp.2347-2352
- Ogata, H. (2010):A Study on the Vehicle Load in the Design and the Function Conservation of the Farm Road, Report of Research Division on Rural Road No. 20, pp. 9-14 (in Japanese)
- Anwar A. M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Goyal, A. (2009):Crack Detection in Concrete Structures Using UPV Test Incorporated Ellipse Properties, Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.62, pp. 565-572
- Anwar A. M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Ashraf, M. and Mandula (2009) :Engineering Cementitious Composites for Repair of Initially Cracked Concrete Beams, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(3), pp.223-231
- Anwar A. M., Mandula, Hattori, K. and Ogata, H. (2009) :Comparative Study on Using CFRP with both ECC and Concrete Substrates, Housing & Building National Research Center Journal, Vol5, No.1, pp.38-45
- Goyal, A., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Ashraf, M. and Anwar A. M. (2009) :Comparative Effect of Bio-waste Ashes on Strength Properties of Cement Mortar, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No. 261, pp. 1-10
- Goyal, A., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Ashraf, M. (2009) :Processing of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash and Reactivity of Ash-Blended Cement Mortar, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No. 261, pp. 11-19
- Ogata, H., Takata, R., Hattori, K. (2009) :Influence of the conditions of non-freezing term on frost damage of concrete channel, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 31, pp.1159-1164 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Sato, S., Hattori, K. (2009) :The Method of Evaluation and Implementation of the Non-destructive Test on Aggregate denuded Concrete Structure for Irrigation and Drainage, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No. 263, pp. 23-32 (in Japanese)
- Anwar A. M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Goyal, A. (2008):Evaluation of Using CFRP for Strengthening of Arched Hydraulic Structures,Cement Science and Concrete Technology,No.61,pp. 509-516
- Sato, S., Ogata, H., Ueno, H., Matsumoto, S. and Nonaka, T. (2008):Investigation, Diagnostics and Deformation Characteristic of Existing RC Open Channel Generating the Structural Failure, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 76(3), pp. 29-33 (in Japanese)
- Tanaka, S., Ogata, H., Hattori, K.,Sakane, I. and Hatakeyama, M. (2008):The Consensus Building of Maintenance - Management and Established Position of the Agriculture Facilities in Consideration of the Environment, Japanese Association for the Study of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 152, pp.88-93 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Ogata, H., Nonaka, T. and Hattori, K. (2008) :Fundamental Study on the Evaluation of Exposed Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Channel, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.30, pp.699-704 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H. (2008) :Thermal Analysis of the Concrete in Consideration of the Thermal Properties of the Freezing Term, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 30, pp.855-859 (in Japanese)
- Sutou, M., Takata, R., Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (2008) :Study on Cncrete Frost Damage Examination with Ultrasonic Pulse Method using Grinder, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.30, pp.867-871 (in Japanese)
- Mandula, Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Natsuka, I. and Guo, S.(2008):Simple Abrasion test Equipment for Evaluation of Abrasion Resistance of Pavement Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No.255, pp.1-8 (in Japanese)
- Mandula, Hattori, K. and Ogata, H.(2008):Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Pavement with Fly Ash from China
After Freezing and Thawing Action, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No.255, pp.15-22 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Takata, R., Nonaka, T. and Hattori, K. (2008) :The Frost Damage of Reinforced Concrete Canals, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 76(9), pp.31-34 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Nonaka, T., Fujiwara, T., Takata, R. and Hattori, K. (2007):Frost Damage Diagnosis of Concrete Chaneel By Non-destructive Testing Methods, Report of Research Division on Material and Construction No.45, pp.59-70 (in Japanese)
- Ishii, M., Sato, S., Ogata, H. and Nonaka, T. (2007):Relationship between crack width and reinforcement corrosion in cast-in-place RC open channels, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 247, pp.73-82 (in Japanese)
- Ashraf, M., Goyal, A., Anwar, A. M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Guo, S. (2007):Beneficial Role of the Industrial Wastes to Combat Adiabatic Temperature Rise in Massive Concrete, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(4), pp.494-498
- Ashraf, M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Goyal, A. (2007):Combined effect of fly ash and GGBS on durability of concrete under freeze-thaw conditions, The Indian Concrete Journal Vol. 81, pp.9-14
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Sutou, M. and Hattori, K. (2007) :Influence of the setting method of ultrasonic pulse sensor on the evaluation of freeze-thaw resistance of concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.29, pp.661-666 (in Japanese)
- Goyal, A., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Ashraf, M. and Anwar, A. M. (2007):Evaluation of Various Ashes Obtained from Agricultural and Bio Wastes for Their Likely Potential as Pozzolanic Materials, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No. 251, pp.1-8
- Guo, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Goyal, A. and Ashraf, M. (2007):Sulfate Resistance of Concrete Using Unclassified Fly Ash from China, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering No.251, pp.9-14 (in Japanese)
- Goyal, A., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Grag, M., Anwar, A. M. and Mandula(2007):Synergic Effect of Wheat Straw Ash and Rice-Husk Ash on Strength Properties of Mortar, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(21), pp.3256-3261
- Sato, S., Ishii, M., Ogata, H., Mori, M. and Nonaka, T.(2007):Influence on Crack to Reinforced Corrosion in Cast-in-place RC Structures Served under Chloride-Attack Environment, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural
Engineering No. 252, pp. 119-125 (in Japanese)
- Anwar, A.M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Ashraf, M. and Goyal, A. :New Approach Towards Crack Determination in Concrete Using UPV Test, Proceedings of the 32nd Conference Our World in Concrete & Structure,
Article Online ID:100032016 (2007)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Takata, R. (2006) :Fundamental Properties of Concrete mixed with granulated Rice Husk Coal, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute Vol. 28, pp.1379-1384 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Nonaka, T., Fujiwara, T., Takata, R. and Hattori, K. (2006):Frost Damage Diagnosis of Concrete Chaneel By Ultrasonic Pulse Method, Proceedings of JCI Symposium on Estimating Methods for Concrete Performance to Freezing - Thawing Action, pp. 63-70 (in Japanese)
- Tanaka, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Sakane, I. and Hatakeyama, M.(2006):The present condition and Local resident's consciousness of the Maintenance - Management at the Agriculture Facilities in Consideration of the Environment, Japanese Association for the Study of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.147, pp.15-23 (in Japanese)
- Ashraf, M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hayashi, A. (2006):Evaluating The Mineral Substituted Mortars for Various Curing Regimes Exposed to Hot Climate Condition, Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Concrete Engineering
& Technology 2006, pp.117-129
- Ajay, G., Ashraf, M., hattori, K. and Ogata, H. (2006):Amorphous and Pozzolanic Matter from Various Agri and Bio Wastes - A Preliminary Study, Proceedings of Natural Conference Civil Engineering : Meeting the Challenges of Tomorrow, pp.232-238
- Hattori, K., Sato, S., Ogata, H. and Nonaka, T. (2006):Long Term Strength Development of Massive Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.246, pp.9-15 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K. and Hiraishi, T. (2006):Consideration of the Estimating Method of Crack Depth of Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Method, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.246, pp.25-31 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Natsuka, I., Asakawa, T. and Aoyama, S. (2006):Characteristic of Autogeneous Shrinkage of the Dam Concrete that used the Coarse Aggregate of the Full Size, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.246, pp.103-113 (in Japanese)
- Ashraf, M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hassan, K. (2005):An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Shale, Slate, Phyllite and Volcanic Ash as Pozzolanas, Sand Dune Research No.51(3), pp.145-153
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hayashi, A. (2005):Evaluating the Pozzolanic Activity of Pulverized Cinder Ash for Use as Cement Replacement in Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 235, pp.1-7
- Ogata, H. Sato, S., Ishii, M. and Takata, R. (2005):Relation between the scaling and the deterioration level of concrete by freezing and thawing action, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 27 pp.739-744 (in Japanese)
- Ashraf, M., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hassan, K. (2005):The Influence of Mineral Additives on the Mechanical, Mineralogical and Morphological Properties of Mortars Exposed to Arid Environment, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.240, pp.19-25
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Ashraf, M.(2005):An Assessment of Incorporating Proportions of Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as a Cement Substitute, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, pp.1-19
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Nonaka, T. and Ishii, M. (2004) : Durability Design of Agricultural Facilities based on Performance Verification, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 72(3), pp. 23-27 (in Japanese)
- Guo, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (2004) : Various Properties and Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Concrete with Unclassified Fly Ash from China, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.230, pp.47-52 (in Japanese)
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H., Kirioka, H. and Hayashi, A. (2004):The Influence of Highly Saline Water on Fly Ash Concrete Used in Arid Regions, Sand Dune Research No. 51(1), pp.1-12
- Takata, R., Guo, S., Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (2004) : Examination of Performance Evaluation of Freezing and Thawing Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Method, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 26 pp.1911-1916 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Nonaka, T., Natsuka, I. and Aoyama, S. (2004) : Examination of Thermal Stress Analysis in Concrete Gravity Dam by Block Layer Construction Method, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 232, pp.75-81 (in Japanese)
- Guo, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (2004) : Various Properties and Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Concrete with Clinker Ash as Fine Aggregate, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 233, pp.93-99 (in Japanese)
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K. and Ogata, H. (2004):An Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Concrete Soaked in Saline Solution, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural & Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Technology, pp. 829-840
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Sato, S. (2003) : Comparative Study on the Pozzolanic Activity of Fly Ash and Cinder Ash as Mineral Substitutes in Massive Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation
Engineering No.223, pp.57-62
- Ogata, H. (2003) : The Current State and Participant Awareness of Historical Agricultural Water Supply Works Festival, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 71(3), pp. 15-18 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Nonaka, T. and Ishii, M. (2003) : Examination of Method of Crack Verification in Construction Stage of Reverse-T Retaining Wall Type Farm Pond, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 226, pp.73-81 (in Japanese)
- Takata, R., Nonaka, T., Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (2002) : Study on Development of Mortar Secondary Product Using Waste Glass, Cement Science and Concrete Technology No.56, pp.403-410 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Sato, S., Yamamoto, S., Otsuki, K., Hassan, K. and Hattori, K. (2002):Durability of Concrete Soaked in Drainage Water of Salt Accumulated Fields, Sand Dune Research No. 48(3), pp.109-114
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Takata, R. and Nonaka, T. (2002) : Evaluation of Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Method, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 24 pp.1563-1568 (in Japanese)
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hayashi, A. (2002):Microstructural Features and Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash and Cinder Ash as Mineral Additives to Massive Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No.219, pp. 43-50
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (2002) :The Influence of InitialCuringTemperatureto the Strength Development and Compressive Strength of Normal Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 220, pp.69-76 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Hassan, K. (2002) :Application of Schmidt Hammer Type-N and M for Concrete Structure and Suggestion of Empirical Equations for Strength Estimation, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 220, pp.77-83 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, T. and Kuroki, H. (2002):Knowledge and Concern of Local Resident Concerning Agricultural Water Supply Structure - A Case Study of Kohge District in Kohge Town, Tottori Prefecture -, Rural Planning Vol. 4, pp.31-36 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, T. and Kuroki, H. (2001) : Influence on Rigion and Distinguished Services of a Righteous who related to Agricultural Water Supply Business, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 69(2), pp. 7-12 (in Japanese)
- Hattori, K., Sato, S. and Ogata, H. (2001) : Quality Evaluation for the Concrete Structures by Pluse Velocity Method and Rebound method, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 69(5), pp. 49-52 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Nonaka, T. and Hattori, K. (2001) : Proposal of the Equation to presume Drying Shrinkage Strain using for the Early Age Crack Analysis in the Concrete Structure with Long One Direction, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 214, pp.43-53 (in Japanese)
- Hassan, K., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Sato, S. (2001) :The Influence of Fly Ash and Cinder Ash as Mineral Additive on Mechanical Properties of Massive Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 214, pp.127-132
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (2001) :A Study on the Properties of Massive Concrete Specimen with Different Initial Curing Conditions, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 215, pp.41-48 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Hattori, K. and Ogata, H. (2001) : Mechanical Properties in Massive Concrete Specimen with Different Initial Curing Conditions, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions : Environment & Loading, pp.1554-1561
- Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (2000) : A Study on Estimation Method of Concective Heat Transfer Coeficient of Concrete, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 206, pp. 109-116 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Nonaka, T. and Hattori, K. (2000) : Examination of Analytical Condition in Generative Prediction for Thermal Crack of RC Box Culvert, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 208, pp. 73-82 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Hattori, K. and Ogata, H. (2000) : Nondestructive Test Methods or Maintenance and Management of Agricultural Hydraulic Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the ]W Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, pp. 352-357
- Ogata, H. and Hattori, K. (1999) : Analytical Investigation on Preventive Method of Thermal Cracking in a RC Box Culvert Wall by Embedded Pipe, Bull. Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University 52, pp. 13-19 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (1999) : Effect of Curing and Compaction, Development of Strength in Various Kinds of Concrete Test Pieces - Estimation of oncrete strength by non-destructive methods(III) -, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation
Engineering No. 199, pp. 83-88 (in Japanese)
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (1999) : Non-destructive Strength Estimation of Mass Concrete Specimens by the Maturity Method, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 201, pp. 67-72 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Hattori, K., Sato, S. and Takata, R. (1999) : Estimation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Concrete uses Rises and Falls Generated in the Temperature Curve, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, pp.1139-1144
- Sato, S., Hattori, K., Ogata, H. and Takata, R. (1999) : Estimation of Strength in Mass Concrete Specimens by the Maturity Method, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, pp.1179-1184
- Nakazawa, T., Ogata, H., Shinnishi, N., Yamashita, H., Miyoshi, K. and Toki, K. (1998) : Experimental Investigation on Temperature Decreasing in a Concrete by Embedded Pipe, Bull. Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University 27, pp. 225-230 (in Japanese)
- Nakazawa, T., Ogata, H., Shinnishi, N., Edamoto, H. and Tanabe, T. (1998) : Measurments of Temperature and Analysis of Thermal Stress in Massive Concrete Footing, Bull. Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University 27, pp. 231-237 (in Japanese)
- Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Ogata, H., Nakazono, F., Inagaki, H., Yoshida, N., Yamashita, H., Nakazawa, T. and Sakamoto, T. (1997) : Inspection and Construction Aimed at Preventing Wall Cracks in a Concrete Box Culvert, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 188, pp. 121-127 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kuitake, M., Kondo, F., Nakazawa, T. and Yamashita, H. (1997) : A Study on Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Elaastic Modulus used for Thermal Stress Aalysis by 3-D Finite Element Method at yhe upper Slab of a RC Box Culvert, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 189, pp. 27-34 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F. and Yamashita, H. (1997) : The Long Period Investigation of Cracking in RC Box Culverts on Farm Roads, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 65(12), pp. 65-72 (in Japanese)
- Uchida, J., Sakamoto, T., Kondo, F., Ogata, H. and Yamashita, H. (1997) : Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Asphalt Concrete by 3-D FEM, Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering Volume 3, pp.1965-1970
- Nakazono, T., Kunitake, M., Ogata, H., Nakazawa, T. and Kikumura, T. (1996) : Proposal of Empirical Equation for Adiabatic Temperature Rise in Concrete in the Case of Low Ambient Temperature, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation
Engineering No. 183, pp. 31-39 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M., Yamashita, H., Kondo, F. and Nakazawa, T. (1996) : Influence of Size and Form of Concrete Structure on Inner Temperature Variation, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 183, pp. 167-174 (in Japanese)
- Nogi, Y., Ogata, H., Baba, H., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Yamashita, H. and Nakazawa, T. (1996)
: A Study on the Adiabatic Temperature Rise Constant in a Real Concrete Structures, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 184, pp. 137-144 (in Japanese)
- Kondo, F., Kunitake, M., Yamashita, H., Kurikawa, A., Ogata, H. and Sakamoto, T. (1996) : A Case Study on Estimation of Consolidation Settlements in Clay Soil due to Construction of Embankment and RC Box Culvert, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University 43(2) pp.83-91
- Kondo, F., Sakamoto, T., Yamashita, H., Ogata, H., Siga, M. and Nakazawa, T. (1996) : Basic Study of a Non-destructive Test Method for Predicting the Strength of a RC Box Culvert Wall, Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University 44(1・2), pp. 83-91
- Chowdhury, M. A., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Inagaki, H., Ogata, H., Saito, M. and Kakuda, I. (1996) : Estimation of Parameters of Seepage through an Earth Dam, Proceedings of the Sixth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp.477-482
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Nakazawa, T., Yamashita, T. and Sakamoto, T. (1996) : Influence of Parameters used for Analysis of Temperature and Stress in a Concrete Box Culvert by 3-D FEM, Proceedings of The Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics vol.2, pp.1311-1316
- Chowdhury, M. A., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Ogata, H. and Inagaki, H. (1996) : Back-analysis of Seepage Through an Earth Dam Using the Finite Element Method, Proceedings of The Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics vol.3, pp.2301-2306
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F., Nakazawa, T. and Yamashita, H. (1995) : Simple Systematization of a Curing Method for Preventing Temperature Cracking on Box Culvert Wall, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation
Engineering No. 180, pp. 49-57 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M., Kondo, F. and Nakazawa, T. (1995) : Estimation of Parameters for the Temperature Analysis of Concrete by using 3-D FEM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, pp.128-133
- Kunitake, M., Ogata, H., Yamashita, H. and Nakazawa, T. (1994) : Construction of Nihonmatsu Box Culvert and Prevention of Thermal Crack of its Wall, Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering 62(3), pp.13-18 (in Japanese)
- Kunitake, M., Chowdury, M. A., Ogata, H., Hosoyamada, K. and Kawaguchi, K. (1994) : Analysis of seepage through a superannuated earth dam using FEM, PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER METHODS AND ADVANCDS IN GEOMECHANICS, pp.1223-1229
- Kunitake, M., Ogata, H., Kondo, F. and Yamashita, H. (1994) : SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS FROM CONSIDERATION OF PORE PRESSURE AND SPIRAL SURFACE USING FEM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Vol.U, pp.506-511
- Kunitake, M., Ogata, H., Nakazawa, T., Taguti, K., Kodama, T., Yamashita, H., Kiriyama, K., Taguchi, Y. and Kikumura, T. (1993) : A Method for Preventing Thermal Cracking in a Concrete Box Culvert Wall, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 167, pp. 55-64 (in Japanese)
- Ogata, H., Kunitake, M. and Nakazawa, T. (1993) : Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Transient Heat Conduction and Measured Temperature in Massive Concrete Pier, Transactions of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering No. 167, pp. 81-88 (in Japanese)
- Kunitake, M., Ogata, H., Nakazawa, T., Yamashita, H., Kodama, T., Taguchi, K. and Kikumura, T.(1993) : Temperature distribution in a concrete box culvert using 3-D FEM, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND ASIAN-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, pp.789-795