Kishii M, Dou Q, Garg M, Ito M, Tanaka H,
Tsujimoto H (2010) Production of wheat-Psathyrostachys huashanica chromosome
addition lines. Genes & Genetic Systems 85:281-286.
Eltayeb AE, Yamamoto S, Habora MEE, Yin L,
Tsujimoto H, Tanaka K (2010) Transgenic potato overexpressing Arabidopsis
cytosolic AtDHAR1 showed higher tolerance to herbicide, drought and salt
stresses, Breeding Science (in press).
Wang S, Yin L, Tanaka H, Tanaka K, Tsujimoto H (2010) Identification of
wheat alien chromosome addition lines for breeding wheat with high phosphorus
efficiency. Breeding Science (in press)
Ishii T, Ueda T, Tanaka H, Tsujimoto H (2010) Chromosome elimination by
wide hybridization between Triticeae and oat plants or pearl millet: pearl
millet chromosome dynamics in hybrid embryo cells. Chromosome Research
Kikuchi S, Tsujimoto H, Koba T (2010) JcSat1,
a novel subtelomeric repeat of Jatropha
curcas L. and its use in karyotyping. Chromosome Science (in press).
Eltayeb AE, Yamamoto S, Habora MEE, Matsukubo
Y, Aono M, Tsujimoto H, Tanaka K (2010) Greater protection against oxidative
damages imposed by various environmental stresses in transgenic potato with
higher level of reduced glutathione. Breeding Science 60:101-109
Kamal AHM, Kim K-H, Shin K-H, Choi J-S, Balk B-K, Tsujimoto H, Heo HY,
Park C-S, Woo S-H (2010) A biotic stress responsive proteins of wheat grain
determined using proteomics technique. Australian Journal of Crop Science
4: 196-208.
Yamano S, Nitta M, Tsujimoto H, Ishikawa G, Nakamura T, Endo T, Nasuda
S (2010) Molecular mapping of the suppressor gene Igc1 to the gametocidal gene Gc3-C1 in common wheat. Genes and
Genetic System 85:43-53.
辻本壽 (2010) 「多重遺伝子族」などの項目 生物学辞典(石川ら編集 ISBN978-4-8079-0753-9
福井希一・辻本壽:改訂版 育種における細胞遺伝学 養賢堂 ISBN978-4-8425-0469-8 pp. 243. 2010年7月
辻本壽(2010)コムギ畑の随伴雑草ライムギの進化。ムギの自然史(佐藤洋一郎、加藤鎌司編著 ISBN978-4-8329-8190-4)、北海道大学出版会、北海道 pp.
臨川書店、京都 pp. 183-197.
Yamano S, Tsujimoto H, Endo TR, Nasuda S(2009, 12) Radiation mutants for mapping genes and markers in pericentromeric region of chromosome 3B of Norin 26 wheat. eWIS-2009-0031 [LINK]
Garg M, Tanaka H, Tsujimoto H (2009, 12) Exploration of Triticeae seed storage proteins for improvement of wheat end-product quality. Breeding Science, 59:519-528 [ABSTRACT].
Dou Q-W, Chen Z-G, Liu Y-A, Tsujimoto H (2009, 12) High frequency of karyotype
variation revealed by sequential FISH and GISH in plateau perennial grass
forage Elymus nutans. Breeding Science, 59:651-656.[ABSTRACT].
Subbarao GV, Kishii M, Nakahara K, Ishikawa T, Ban T, Tsujimoto H, George
TS, Berry WL, Hash T, Ito O (2009, 12) Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) ? Is there Potential for Genetic
Interventions in the Triticeae? Breeding Science, 59:529-545.[ABSTRACT].
Kamal AHM, Kim K-H, Shin K-H, Seo H-S, Tsujimoto H, Heo H-Y, Choi J-S, Park C-S, Woo S-H (2009) Diversity of novel glutenin subunits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Journal
of Plant Biology, 52:533-542.
Garg M, Tanaka H, Ishikawa N, Takata K, Yanaka M, Tsujimoto H (2009) Agropyron
elongatum HMW-glutenins have the potential to improve wheat end product
quality through targeted chromosome introgression. Journal of Cereal Science
辻本壽(2009)作物と人の知恵 総合地球環境学研究所佐藤プロジェクト News Letter No. 52 [PDF]
辻本壽(2009)植物ゲノム科学辞典 朝倉書店 ISBN978-4-254-17134-1 (駒嶺穆 総編集)、分担執筆(「対立遺伝子」などの用語)[LINK]
Garg M, Tanaka H, Ishikawa N, Takata K, Yanaka Y, Tsujimoto H (2009) A novel pair of HMW glutenin subunits from Aegilops searsii improves quality of hexaploid wheat. Cereal Chemistry. 86:26-32. [ABSTRACT]
Kikuchi S, Saito Y, Ryto H, Fukunishi N, Abe T, Tanaka H, Tsujimoto H (2009)
Effect of heavy ion beams on chromosomes of common wheat, Triticum aestivum.
Mutation Research - Functional and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
669:63-66 [ABSTRACT].
Kikuchi S, Matsui K, Tanaka H, Ohnishi O, Tsujimoto H (2008) Chromosome evolution among seven Fagopyrum species revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probed with rDNAs. Chromosome Science 11: 37-43.
佐藤和広、辻本壽 (2008) アゼルバイジャンとアルメニアのムギ類遺伝資源調査 BioResouce now ! 4:1-2 [PDF]
Eleuch L., Jilal A., Grando S., Ceccarelli S., Von Korff Schmising M, Tsujimoto H, Hajer A, Daaloul A, Baum M (2008) Genetic diversity and association analysis for salinity tolerance, heading date and plant height of barley germplasm using simple sequence repeat markers. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 50(8):1004-1014. [ABSTRACT]
Khan N, Katsube-Tanaka T, Iida S, Yamaguchi T, Nakano J, Tsujimoto H (2008) Identification and variation of glutelin alpha polypeptides in the genus Oryza assessed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and step-by-step immunodetection. J Agric Food Chem. 56:4955-61. [ABSTRACT]
Tanaka H, Morris CF, Haruna M, Tsujimoto H(2008) Prevalence of puroindoline alleles in wheat varieties from eastern Asia including the discovery of a new SNP in puroindoline b. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 6:142-152. [ABSTRACT]
Endo TR, Nasuda S, Jones N, Dou QW, Akahori A, Wakimoto M, Tanaka H, Niwa K, Tsujimoto H(2008)Dissection of rye B chromosomes, and nondisjunction properties of the dissected segments in a common wheat background. Genes and Genetic Systems 83:23-30. [ABSTRACT]
F. Khatib, S. Koudsieh, Bianca Ghazal, J. E. Barton, H. Tsujimoto, M. Baum (2007) Developing herbicide resistant lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris) throught Agrobacteriium mediated transformation. Arab. J. Pl. Prot. 25:185-192. [PDF]
H. M. M. Elamein, A M. Ali, M. Garg, S. Kikuchi, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Comparative karyological analysis of Pennisetum schweinfurthii and P. glaucum. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research (in press).
H. M. M. Elamein, A M. Ali, M. Garg, S. Kikuchi, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Evolution of chromosomes in genus Pennisetum. Chromosome Science 10:55-63. [ABSTRACT]
N. Khan, T. Katsube-Tanaka, S. Iida, T. Yamaguchi, J. Nakano, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Diversity of rice glutelin polypeptides in wild species assessed by the higher temperature SDS-PAGE and subunit-specific antibodies. Electrophoresis 29:1308-1316. [ABSTRACT]
G. V. Subbarao, T. Ban, M. Kishii, O. Ito, H. samejima, H. Y. Wang, S.
J. Pearse, S. J. Pearse, S. Gopalakrishnan, K.Nakahara, H. Tsujimoto, W.
L.. Berry (2007) Can biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) genes
from perennial Leymus racemosus (Triticeae)combat nitrification in wheat
farming? Plant and Soil 299:55-64. [ABSTRACT]
M. Garg, H. M. M. Elamein, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Preferential
elimination of chromosome 1D from homoeologous group-1 alien addition lines
in hexaploid wheat.Genes and Genetic Systems 82:403-408. [ABSTRACT]
S. Kikuchi , H. Tanaka, T. Wako, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Centromere separation,
fusion and association in the nuclei of an interspecific hybrid between
Torenia fournieri and T. baillonii (Scrophulariaceae) during mitosis and
meiosis.Genes and Genetic Systems 82:369-375. [ABSTRACT]
R.-W. Yang, Y.-H. Zhou, Q.-W. Dou, H.-Q. Zhang, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Chromosome characterization of three Hystrix (Triticease: Poaceae) taxa using FISH analysis. Chromosome Science 10:1-6. [ABSTRACT]
S. Kikuchi, H. Kino, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Pollen tube growth in cross combinations between Torenia fournieri and fourteen related species. Breeding Science 57:117-122. [ABSTRACT]
M. Garg, H. S. Dhaliwal, P. Chhuneja, D. Kumar, Q.-W. Dou, H. M. M. Elamein, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2007) Negative effect of chromosome 1A on bread making quality shown by modification of 1D addition in durum wheat (Triticum durum). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114:1141-1150. [ABSTRACT]
J.-Q. Liao, R.-W. Yang, Y.-H. Zhou, H. Tsujimoto (2007) FISH analysis of 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA genes in Triticum turgidum cv. Ailanmai and T. polonicum. Hereditas (China) (in Chinese) 29:119-454.
Q. W. Dou, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto (2006) Molecular-cytogenetic analyses on hexaploid lines spontaneously appearing in octoploid Triticale.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114:41-47.
S. Kikuch, H. Tanaka, T. Shiba, M. Mii, H. Tsujimoto (2006) Genome size, karyotype, meiosis and novel extra chromosome in Torenia fournieri , T. bailonii and their hybrid. Chromosome Research 14:595-604.
H. Zhang, R. Yang, Q. Dou, H. Tsujimoto, Y. Zhou (2006) Genome constitutions of Hystric patula, H. duthiei ssp. suhiei ssp. longearistata (Poaceae: Triticeae) revealed by meiotic pairing behavior and genomic in situ hybridization.Chromosome Research 14:665-672.
R. R-C. Wang, J.-Y. Zhang, B. S. Lee, K. B. jensen, M. Kishii, H. Tsujimoto (2006) Variation in abundance of 2 repetitive sequences in Leymus and Psathyrostachys species.Genome 49: 511-519.
辻本壽(2006)クロモソーム 植物染色体研究の方法 養賢堂(分担執筆)
K. Sato, H. Tsujimoto, R. von Bothmer (2005) Introduction of genetic diversity
into cereals from their wild relatives.
Proc. 5th Int. Triticeae Symp. (Czech J. Gent. Plant Breed., 41 Special
issue) 103-107.
H. Tsujimoto (2005) Gametocidal genes in wheat as the inducer of chromosome breakage. In: Frontiers of wheat Bioscience-Wheat Infomation Service No. 100 (ed. K. Tsunewaki), 33-48.
辻本壽(2005) 植物育種学辞典 培風館(分担執筆)
H. Tanaka, S. Toyoda, H. Tsujimoto (2005) Diversity of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes in Asian Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Breeding Science, 55:349-353.
A. A. Hagras, M. Kishii, K. Sato, H. Tanaka, H. Tsujimoto(2005) Extended Application of Barley EST Markers for the Analysis of Alien Chromosomes Added to Wheat Genetic Background.Breeding Science 55:335-341.
A. A. Hagras, M. Kishii, H. Tanaka, K. Sato, H. Tsujimoto (2005) Genomic differentiation of Hordeum chilense from H. vulgare as revealed by repetitive and EST sequences. Genes Genet Syst. 80:147-59.
H. Tanaka, R. Shimizu, H. Tsujimoto (2005) Genetical analysis of contribution of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits to dough strength in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 141: 157-162.
S. Kikuchi, M. Kishii, M. Shimizu, H. Tsujimoto (2005) Centromere-specific repetitive sequence from Torenia fournieri, a model plant for fertilization, and whole-mount FISH of its embryo sac cells. Cytogenetic and Genome Res. 109:228-35.