Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion Science (JSPS)
Innate Immunity Research Unit, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Research Fellow of JSPS
Ph.D. Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
※Early Completion
B.Sc. Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Major Publications
- H. Inaba, Y. Sueki, M. Ichikawa, A.M.R. Kabir, T. Iwasaki, H. Shigematsu, A. Kakugo, K. Sada and K. Matsuura. Generation of stable microtubule superstructures by binding of peptide-fused tetrameric proteins to inside and outside. Sci. Adv., 8, eabq3817 (2022)
- K. Hori, S. Higashida, T. Osaki, T. Kawano, H. Inaba, K. Matsuura and T. Iwasaki. Intracellular delivery and photothermal therapeutic effects of polyhistidine peptide-modified gold nanoparticles. J. Biotech., 354, 34-44 (2022)
- N. Kageyama, M. Nose, M. Ono, Y. Matsunaga, T. Iwasaki and T. Kawano. The FMRFamide-like peptide FLP-2 is involved in the modulation of larval development and adult lifespan by regulating the secretion of the insulin-like peptide INS-35 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., in press, (2022)
- T. Iwasaki, A. Maruyama, Y. Inui, T. Sakurai and T. Kawano. In vitro transcytosis of Helicobacter pylori histidine-rich protein through gastric epithelial-like cells and the blood–brain barrier. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 86, 321-330 (2022) [Cover image]
- T. Iwasaki, M. Shimoda, H. Kanayama and T. Kawano. Histidine-rich protein 2: a new pathogenic factor of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. bioRxiv, (2021)
- Y. Tanaka, Y. Nanasato, K. Omura, K. Endoh, T. Kawano and T. Iwasaki. Direct protein delivery into intact plant cells using polyhistidine peptides. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 85, 1405-1414 (2021) [2021 B.B.B. paper award]
- Y. Nakamura, Y. Sato, H. Inaba, T. Iwasaki and K. Matsuura. Encapsulation of mRNA into Artificial Viral Capsids via Hybridization of a β-Annulus-dT20 Conjugate and the Poly(A) Tail of mRNA. Appl. Sci., 10, 8004 (2020)
- T. Iwasaki, N. Murakami and T. Kawano. A polylysine–polyhistidine fusion peptide for lysosome-targeted protein delivery. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 533, 905-912 (2020)
- T. Hayashi, R. Okamoto, T. Kawano and T. Iwasaki. Development of Organelle Replacement Therapy Using a Stearyl-Polyhistidine Peptide against Lysosomal Storage Disease Cells. Molecules, 24, 2995 (2019)
- H. Inaba, T. Yamamoto, T. Iwasaki, A.M.R. Kabir, A. Kakugo, K. Sada and K. Matsuura. Stabilization of Microtubules by Encapsulation of GFP Using Tau-Derived Peptide. Chem. Commun., 55, 9072-9075 (2019)
- H. Inaba, T. Yamamoto, T. Iwasaki, A.M.R. Kabir, A. Kakugo, K. Sada and K. Matsuura. Fluorescent Tau-derived Peptide for Monitoring Microtubules in Living Cells. ACS Omega, 4, 11245-11250 (2019)
- T. Hayashi, M. Shinagawa, T. Kawano and T. Iwasaki. Drug delivery using polyhistidine peptide-modified liposomes that target endogenous lysosome. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 501, 648-653 (2018)
- Y. Matsunaga, T. Matsukawa, T. Iwasaki, K. Nagata and T. Kawano. Comparison of physiological functions of antagonistic insulin-like peptides, INS-23 and INS-18, in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 82, 90-96 (2018)
- S. Kimura, T. Kawano and T. Iwasaki. Short polyhistidine peptides penetrate effectively into Nicotiana tabacum-cultured cells and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 81, 112-118 (2017)
- Y. Matsunaga, Y. Honda, S. Honda, T. Iwasaki, H. Qadota, GM. Benian and T. Kawano. Diapause is associated with a change in the polarity of secretion of insulin-like peptides. Nat. Commun., 7, 10573 (2016)
- T. Iwasaki, Y. Tokuda, A. Kotake, H. Okada, S. Takeda, T. Kawano and Y. Nakayama. Cellular uptake and in vivo distribution of polyhistidine peptides. J. Control. Release, 210, 115-124 (2015)
- T. Iwasaki, M. Yamakawa, T. Kawano, A. Asaoka and J. Ishibashi. Anti-angiogenesis activities of novel peptide complexes: mitochondria-disruptive 9mer peptides conjugated with integrin alpha V beta 3-homing cyclic RGD motif. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 76, 2044-2048 (2012)
- M. Nakamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Tokino, A. Asaoka, M. Yamakawa and J. Ishibashi. Development of a bioactive fiber with immobilized synthetic peptides designed from the active site of a beetle defensin. Biomacromolecules, 12, 1540-1545 (2011)
- T. Iwasaki, J. Ishibashi, M. Kubo, D. Taylor and M. Yamakawa. Multiple functions of short synthetic enantiomeric peptides based on beetle defensins. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73, 683-687 (2009)
- T. Iwasaki, J. Ishibashi, H. Saido-Sakanaka, H. Tanaka, M. Sato, A. Asaoka, D. Taylor and M. Yamakawa. Selective cancer cell cytotoxicity of enantiomeric 9-mer peptides derived from beetle defensins depends on negatively charged phosphatidylserine on the cell surface. Peptides, 30, 660-668 (2008)
- T. Iwasaki, H. Saido-Sakanaka, A. Asaoka, D. Taylor, J. Ishibashi and M. Yamakawa. In vitro activity of diastereomeric antimicrobial peptides alone and in combination with antibiotics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Insect Biotechnol. Sericology, 76, 25-29 (2006)
- T. Iwasaki, H. Saido-Sakanaka, A. Sagisaka, A. Asaoka, D. Taylor and M. Yamakawa. A short peptide synthesized on the basis of Coleoptericin A from Allomyrina dichotoma shows similar anti-Escherichia coli action. J. Insect Biotechnol. Sericology, 75, 135-139 (2006)
Honors & Awards
- Japanese Peptide Society Award for Young Investigator (2022)
- 2021 B.B.B. paper award in the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (2022)
- Encouragement Award in the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, The Regional Branch of the Chugoku-Shikoku District (2014)
- Young Investigator English Presentation Award in 46th Japanese Peptide Symposium (2009)
- Young Investigator English Presentation Award in 45th Japanese Peptide Symposium (2008)
- Oral Presentation Award in the 41th Young Peptide Investigator Symposium (2008)
- Japanese Peptide Society Travel award for 4th International Peptide Symposium (2007)
- Oral Presentation Award in 40th Young Peptide Investigator Symposium (2007)
- Poster Presentation Award in 40th Young Peptide Investigator Symposium (2007)
Contact Address
- Faculty of Agriculture, Bio-Regulatory Chemistry Lab.
- Tottori University
- 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori, 680-8553, Japan
- E-mail: itaka[at]tottori-u.ac.jp (Please change [at] into @)